Chapter 3 - Expecting The Unexpected

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Chapter 3 - Expecting The Unexpected

I checked the boys’ address for the hundredth time in the past 10 minutes. Finally realizing that I’d never driven on that street, I decided to use the GPS. Turning the engine on, I followed the indications. Go straight, turn left, stop, and turn right; I’d been driving for 10 long minutes. Judging after the route I was driving on, the boys didn’t stay in the city. I’m wondering why they are renting house in the middle of nowhere…

After another 15 minutes while I was listening to 80’s music and humming along the familiar tunes, I spotted a house on the beach. Yep, I was right; they did stay in the middle of nowhere.

Pulling over the car, I had time to inspect the house. And it was not a small one. The house was a modern beach one. It had a ground floor and the 1st floor and it’s made of glass, bamboo and… bricks, of course. The outside was painted with white and decorated with bamboo on the edges of the windows and doors. It had a glass door which was crystal clear, allowing me see a lobby and a large living room through it. I guess the bedrooms were upstairs because there were a few balconies on the 1st floor. While I was driving, I noticed that the house had a pool, too, in the back. It’s a really beautiful house. 

I pressed the doorbell button, hearing the ‘ding-dong’ echoing in the big house and some voices in the back. Soon, a wet, shirtless Louis opened the door. His hair was placed sloppy on his forehead, wet like the rest of his body. He was wearing only some navy blue swim shorts. So I guess the boys were swimming…

“Hey Rose!” Louis embraced me in a hug, making me soak wet, as well.

“LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON! I’m soaking wet because of you!” I pushed the boy off me. He just laughed at my words, probably thinking at the dirty meaning of them.

“What’s happening?” Harry’s head popped from a corner. He was wet, as well, with pink and orange shorts covering his bottom. Harry was drying his wet curls with a white towel.

"Hi, Harry,” I smile “Please no hugs!”

“Hugs? Does anyone need a Horan hug?” I heard Niall’s voice, but he didn’t show up in the lobby, like the others.

“Rosie, come in! Sorry, but we were testing the pool in the back,” Harry motioned me to sit on one of the sofas in the living room.

“We’ll be back in a few seconds!” Louis yelled, he and Harry already racing up the stairs.

“Hey,” Niall sat next to me on the couch with a bowl of crisps in his hands. He was wearing black swim shorts, and, fortunately, he was dry. “Want some?” he pulled the bowl in my direction.

“No, thanks. Where are the others?” I asked, looking in the living room, like they were hiding behind the lamp or something. The living room was large, as I was expecting, with a wall made of glass. The view was amazing! The cream sofa was positioned in front of the TV, with the back to the entrance in the big room. A coffee table, 2 lamps, a book shelf and lots of decorations were also placed in the beautiful room.

“Zayn is lying on a sun bed and Liam is locked in his room, maybe he’s sleeping…” Niall answered, reaching over the remote controller.

“No, I’m not, I’m up!” Liam appeared at the bottom of the glass stairs, rubbing his eyes. “Those two woke me up!”

“Aww, poor Li! Why don’t you come here?” I patted on the free place next to me. He simply nodded and sat on my right, with his head rested on my shoulder. Niall was giving Liam glares once in a while, while watching a soccer game.

“You like soccer?” I tried to make conversation, breaking the silence.

“You mean football? Yeah, I love it!”

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