Always This Perfect.

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Phil POV

It was official today we will be going to Bora Bora. I was so excited when Dan came to tell me I was so happy because we really need to relax and make new memories together. I thought that it would be good for us to get out of London for a while you know. So maybe we can start fresh when we come back. And who doesn't want to go to Bora Bora?. I can't wait to go there with Dan. Although Chris and PJ told us that they are going to bring a friend. I wonder who that friend is.

I packed everything that I needed and got out of my room to see if Dan is ready too.

"Hey Dan are you ready?" I said with a higher voice while I waited in the living room .

"Yes Phil I just need to close my suitcase" Dan responded back.

"Okay because it's almost time to go" I said with a happy voice.

I just can't wait to get there and spend time with him. I have to admit I don't really like flying so I am feeling a little nervous but I know that Dan will be next to me so hopefully I won't panic so much.

Dan Interrupted my thoughts and said " Are you ready to go?"

"So ready" I said while smiling at him.

We arrived at the airport but Chris and PJ weren't there because they got a flight that was earlier then this flight because our flight was full. So after sometime we headed to the plane and found our seats. We were going to sit next to each other great. We settled in our seats and that's when I started to panic.

"Omg I am so scared I hate to fly. I just hate it." I said with a scared voice while my hands and legs started to shake

Dan turned his body to look directly to me and said"Come on Phil don't worry I am here just hold my hand if you want. Everything is going to be fine. We will be there before you know it and we will have the time of our life." And he gave me a beautiful smile of his.

"Yeah you are right I just can't help it you know I don't know why but it is scary for me. So you really don't mind if I hold your hand while we take off?" I said I was so red at that moment I couldn't believe that I said that to him. Well to be honest he offered. Who am I to pass an opportunity like that right. So till he answered I just hid my face in the plane seat.

"Of course not come on you know that Phil" Dan said. Omg he was turning red. And with that he just looked at my hand for a moment and grabbed it and put it on his lap and he just intertwined our hands.All I did was just stare at our hands at that moment. They fit so perfect together.It's like when you are trying to find the missing puzzle piece and when you find makes sense the picture becomes beautiful. I looked at Dan to try and figure out what he was thinking. He was doing the same he was just staring at our intertwined hands. After sometime he just looked at me and hid his face in my shoulder I could see that he was smiling. I couldn't help but grin. We stayed silent but for once that silence was something beautiful. He started caressing my hand and kind of playing with it. It was the cutest thing ever. My heart was about to explode. The butterflies in my stomach were gone but they easily came back because of Dan. I could see a tear falling from Dan's face.

"Dan what is wrong?" I said while I wiped the tear away from his face.

"I just wish it's always this perfect" He whispered while closing his eyes.

That made my heart squeeze I could feel it. It was so strong because I wished it too.

"Please don't cry Dan these are happy times. And who knows Dan maybe one day it will be this perfect. You just have to be patient with me. You know we need to work on ourselves to be that again and you now it" I said while looking at him and I squeezed his hand a little.

"Yeah I know I am sorry for being like this. I just messed up big time and I don't know how to forgive myself still. And you are right I should be happy you are here with me and we are going to enjoy a nice holiday. I will be patient with you. You are always patient with me. Why are you so nice to me I don't deserve a friend like you" He said as he looked back down at our hands.

"Never feel sorry for what you feel Dan. I hope that one day you forgive yourself and don't worry I will help you forgive yourself the past is the past I moved on so you should to. Well Dan that's because we deserve each other. Come on no more crying now. Lets have a perfect holiday that we will remember for the rest of our lives." I said while trying to cheer him up.

"I just adore you." Dan said while he looked at my eyes and smiled. His brown eyes are so beautiful I just wanted to lose myself in them I felt safe when I looked at them. There was something about him. Something special. With that I didn't even realise that we took off. He makes my world go round. We just watched a movie together and he didn't let go of my hand and thats how I wanted to stay. I then started to get tired and I just rested my head on his shoulder and he just closed his eyes like I did and put his head next to mine. I loved feeling this close to him. Did I just say loved?. Okay.

And with that we were heading to the perfect place Bora Bora. From now on I know that I will never be scared of flying again because I will just remember this perfect moment right here right now. I will remember how his hands felt in mine. I will remember how he smelled. I will remember how comfortable his shoulders felt. I will remember those brown eyes and that beautiful smile. I can already tell that it was going to be a beautiful holiday. I can't wait for whats next for us.

Author's note:

(Hey guys!! omg wasn't that so cute. I was getting so many feelings while writing that. Yeah so I guess thats it for chapter 5. Chapter 6 will be out tomorrow so stay tuned for that. I wish all plane rides were that perfect right? Bye bye guys see you soon with more phan.)- Jan

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