Chapter Fourteen: You Are Mine

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Fernando handed Gisela some soup, he had insisted that she stay curled up in bed until she was better; he knew how delicate she was and he wasn't going to let anything happen to her. 

Sergio was doing his part in making sure that Talina and Taliana weren't able to even enter the bedroom to get anywhere near Gisela; he was a presence that couldn't be ignored in the days since Gisela had tried to jump. 

"How are you feeling?" Fernando asked sitting down on the bed, he wanted to help Gisela and he knew that Carlos had messed with her mind; he couldn't wait until they had dealt with Carlos so that he could never threaten or hurt Gisela again. 

Gisela looked down at her hands, she was very aware that she wasn't being left on her own in fear that she might attempt to hurt herself; if Fernando wasn't with her then Sergio would be. 

"I need you to talk to me Ela... we can help you," Fernando pleaded hating how quiet she had been since she had tried to jump, he would do anything to protect her and Carlos had already left for the holidays so she wouldn't have to deal with him. 

Fernando didn't like how broken she seemed and he needed her to snap out of this, the rebellion was so close and they would have to flee quickly if they wanted to get out alive; Fernando wasn't going to take any risks. 

"I don't want to feel his hands on me anymore," Gisela whimpered finally speaking, every time she closed her eyes she saw that night and she couldn't shake it; she didn't want to carry on like this when Carlos had so much control over her. 

Gisela flinched as Fernando took her hand, she peeked at him wishing that she could just forget the horrible feelings that were running through her. 

"It's going to be okay, I promise," Fernando murmured softly, he would do anything for her and he knew that Sergio would now do the same; they weren't going to let anything happen to her.


"Why are you being nice to me?" Gisela asked softly, she looked at Sergio as he leant against the wall and she wondered why he seemed too protective of her now; before she had tried to jump, he hadn't wanted to even look at her. 

Sergio looked up and stared at Gisela, he ran his fingers through his shortened hair and sighed; he gritted his teeth knowing that he had been a complete dick to her before this. 

"You shouldn't have saved me," Gisela whispered not knowing why he had done so, she would have thought that he would have been happy if she had just disappeared from his life. 

Sergio stared at Gisela for a moment before he pushed away from the wall and walked over to Gisela; she stared at him suddenly worried that she had done something that she shouldn't of. 

"Don't you ever say that again," Sergio snapped taking Gisela's hands, he stared into her eyes making her whimper and she found herself unable to look away from him. 

Sergio slowly moving closer, he searched her eyes for a moment before he ducked down and kissed her; he pulled Gisela out of bed so that she was straddling his hips. 

Gisela dug her nails into Sergio's shoulders, she whimpered into the kiss while Sergio brushed some hair from the clear side of her neck; she felt his free hand brush against the mark that Fernando had left on her neck when he had marked her. 

Sergio pulled away from Gisela's lips and started to kiss down her neck, his top jaw ached a little as his canines became longer; he focused on what he was doing so that he didn't accidentally kill her. 

Sergio's canines were a lot larger than Fernando's, he was an alpha and he had put marking Gisela off for long enough; she would be officially his after this and no one would risk laying a hand on her.

Fernando paused at the door watched them, he would only intervene if Sergio couldn't control himself and did some real damage; he wanted nothing more than to make sure he still had two mates after this. 

Sergio smiled at the noises that Gisela was making he wrapped his arms around her before he sank his teeth into her shoulder causing Gisela to cry out; she whimpered in pain but Sergio stopped her from pushing him away. 

Gisela didn't have time to fight back before she felt comforting hands run along her back; it was only a few seconds until she heard Fernando's comforting whispers. 

"It hurts," Gisela cried struggling with the sharp pain in her shoulder and tears streamed down her face, she tried again to push Sergio away but he held her tightly so that he didn't do more damage than needed. 

Fernando tried to comfort Gisela in some way, he remember how much it had hurt when Sergio had marked him and he knew that it would get better; it was all down to the fact that Sergio was an alpha male. 

Sergio's saliva had special chemicals in it that would mix with blood to give off his scent, Fernando and Gisela wouldn't be mistaken for anyone else's; they were his mates and anyone stupid enough to try it would know it. 

Gisela felt herself getting light headed, she didn't know what was happening but she felt like she was going to pass out; she felt Fernando's hold tighten on her so that she didn't collapse. 

Sergio made a noise deep in the back of his throat, it was a warning to Fernando knowing that he didn't want to hurt him; he felt very territorial right now and he wasn't going to be able to control himself. 

Gisela made a small noise of discomfort when Sergio finally retracted his teeth from her shoulder; she felt odd and she wasn't sure what it was all the bad feelings had just disappeared and it left her confused.

Sergio lapped at the wound that he had created, he smiled watching his saliva slowly closing it up; she smelt like him and he knew this was just the start, he wouldn't fully mate her for another few weeks.

Fernando sat back and watched Sergio with Gisela, he remembered how he had felt when he had first marked Gisela; it didn't see real that she was officially accepted now. 

Sergio settled back on the bed keeping Gisela close, he eyed Fernando who only nodded before he left them alone; he would keep guard so that the maids wouldn't stumble in and discover what was going on. 

Gisela only looked up when she heard Fernando shut the bedroom door, she stared at it for a moment before looking at Sergio who was watching her contently; he looked at her like Fernando did and it made her a little wary. 

"You are mine now," Sergio murmured brushing some hair from her face, he watched her closely knowing that he would protect her and he wasn't going to let Carlos hurt her again. 

Carlos was going to die a slow painful death if Sergio had anything to do with it, Sergio had everything planned out and he wasn't going to mess this up now. 

Gisela eyed Sergio warily, she didn't know what it was but there was something that didn't relax her mind about how he was treating her now; she felt like he would change his mind about this at any minute. 

"Trust me Gisela," Sergio murmured before he kissed her, he held her close knowing that this wasn't going to be easy; he was going to earn her trust and then he would take things to the next stage. 

Gisela was in a bad place and the last thing Sergio wanted to do was add pups into the equation.

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