Epilogue: Welcoming New Life

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"You doing fine Gisela," Rebecca said trying to reassure her sister-in-law, it had been a long labour and there was no sign that it would be ending anytime soon; it was going to be a long night for them all. 

Groaning annoyed, Gisela shifted her weight wondering why this was taking so long; she wanted the pups to arrive and she didn't know how much more of this she could take. 

Her water had broken nearly twelve hours before and there was no sign that the pups would be making an appearance anytime soon; Gisela snuffled knowing that it could be hours before anything happened. 

Fernando sighed softly, he stayed close to her side knowing that she needed him right now and there was no way that he could leave her when she was so close to giving birth. 

Looking over at Sergio, the two wolves knew that Gisela was going to need them when the pups were born; she was bound to be exhausted and they didn't want to take any risks especially with the multi-birth that was coming. 

"It'll be okay," Fernando murmured trying to comfort Gisela, she was tired now and he didn't blame her for being a little frustrated and he hoped that things would calm down soon. 

Rebecca left them in peace knowing that there was little that she could do for them now, she was going to take a nap so that she could be prepared for when the pups were born. 

It had been a surprise to Rebecca when Fernando and Sergio had asked her to be midwife at the pups' birth, they didn't want to take any unnecessary risks with their mate's life when it came to this. 

"I just want them to come already," Gisela mumbled setting down and trying to get comfortable, it was nearly impossible and she couldn't believe that it was taking so long and she hoped it would be over soon. 

Moving away from his chair, Sergio padded over to the nesting area that they'd set up for her; it was meant to make this all easier for her than being settled on a bed.

"It's okay," Fernando murmured knowing that they had all the time in the world, they were free spend all day helping her since they'd both taken time off when Gisela had hit the final week of her pregnancy. 

It seemed almost unreal that things had been so calm after what had happened all those months, it only seemed like yesterday that they had been forced to deal with José María and now there was nothing. 

There hadn't been any news about Sergio's family only that they had left the area after Sergio had spared José María's life; it was clear they weren't going to be a problem anymore. 

Sergio wrapped his arms around her and whispered softly in her ear trying to calm her, he didn't want her stressing out when things were going well with her labour. 

It didn't matter that it was taking time for the pups to arrive, they would come when they were ready and everything was prepared for them to be born; they even had a couple of names picked out since they weren't sure on the genders. 

Fernando smiled watching the two, things had been so much better after what had happened and he really hoped that their troubles were all behind them; the last year had been far from easy for them and he wanted nothing more than to have time to relax. 

"It's going to be just fine," Sergio said offering Fernando a smile, things had really started to turn around for them and he knew that he wouldn't change any of this for the world. 

It no longer bothered him that his own family had turned his back on them while Fernando's was still here helping them prepare for the birth of the pups.


"Everything looks good," Rebecca mused from her place between Gisela's legs and she watched the blonde, it had been a long labour going on eighteen hours and she didn't envy Gisela for what she was going through. 

Gisela took a deep breath, the ache in her lower body was starting to really hurt and she couldn't wait for this part to be over; she was exhausted since she hadn't been able to get any sleep yet. 

"We're here amor," Sergio murmured taking one of her hands while Fernando took the other, they had no intentions of leaving her alone to do this. 

It wasn't going to be much longer and they were sure that this part would fly-by, they shared a look over the top of Gisela's head when Rebecca insisted that it was time for her to stop posting. 

Gisela made a small noise as she gathered her strength together to start pushing the pups into the world; she held on tightly to Fernando and Sergio's hands while she pushed. 

The two wolves did all they could to encourage Gisela to push, she was doing so well and they all hoped that it would work; they didn't want to take a different route if this didn't work out. 

Slowly the first pup slipped out of Gisela's body and Rebecca smiled holding it in her arms, she wrapped the baby up quickly and cut the umbilical cord before looking up at the parents. 

"It's a girl," Rebecca told them with a smile, she checked the little girl over quickly before signalling for Fernando to come and hold her; she was sure that it wouldn't be long before the next pup was born. 

Holding his newborn daughter in his arms, Fernando couldn't help but smile knowing that this was better than what he had hoped for and she was just as beautiful as her mother. 

It didn't take long for the second pup was born, Rebecca grinned quickly wrap him up before checking that everything was okay with Gisela; her sister-in-law was exhausted and she didn't blame her. 

"And a boy," Rebecca said proudly, she handed the little boy over to Sergio so that she could carry on with what she was doing and help Gisela change her clothes.


"I can't believe that they are here," Fernando whispered so that he didn't disturb Gisela, she was sound asleep and he didn't want to wake her; she looked so peaceful in her floral print maxi kaftan. 

It had been a long labour and Gisela deserved to rest before the two pups decided that they wanted their mother instead of their fathers; it was going to be an interesting time watching them grow. 

"So... Gianna and Gabriel Torres Ramos," Sergio mused peeking down at their son in his arms, he still couldn't believe how small the pups were and he wanted nothing more than to keep him and his sister safe. 

It had been a rough couple of months and Sergio was just relieved that they got to have this now; he looked to Gisela knowing that she was going to be a wonderful mother. 

"I think she'll love the names," Fernando said smiling, he stepped forward and kissed Sergio knowing that things were going to be pretty busy now that the pups were here. 

It was just made better that they had people to help them now, Fernando couldn't imagine what they would have done without his family around; they had been so supportive while Gisela was heavily pregnant. 

Sergio kissed Fernando back, they had all the time in the world now and two adorable pup to think about; he couldn't imagine a better way to enjoy his life.



Author's Note:

So this is the end of Bound to You.

Thanks for everyone that read, commented and rated this story, I couldn't have done it without any of you.


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