Chapter Two

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I wake up at around 10, yawning and stretching. I had a weird dream that Misty turned into a zombie kitty and bit me when I started stroking her. Then I broke out into a crazy zombie fever and rampaged all over town, attacking anyone in my way. It's kind of a shame it wasn't real, because then I'd have a furry killer companion with me and we could take out all my enemies together.

I shake my head at myself. Okay, I should definitely stop watching horror movies late at night.

I get up and take a shower, letting the warm water fully wake me up. I dry myself off and pull on the simple T-shirt and jeans I wore yesterday - I had nothing else at the moment.

I walked over to my backpack. It was still lying on the floor, where I left it when I got here. I still hadn't fully unpacked - there were a few other things I had brought with me here. I pulled out a big brown envelope from my bag and opened it. I carefully tipped out all of the contents onto the big bed. 

They were pictures. Pictures of my beautiful mum, ones that my dad kept hidden away for so long. I pull open the top drawer of the bedside table, and carefully place them all inside. I make sure not to get any fingerprints on them and make them dirty. I also put away all of the postcards she'd sent me.

I had also brought some stuff to decorate the wall. You see, I got a job during the past few months. Nothing major, just part-time as a waitress in a small cafe after school. I served coffee to friendly teenagers and gave blueberry muffins to kind old ladies. They liked me there - I got a lot of tips. Soon enough, I saved up enough money to go crazy and buy an insane amount of posters. 

So, it's time to get to work.  


Once I'm done, I step back and admire my wall. Almost all of it is now covered with posters of several bands, like All Time Low, 5 Seconds of Summer, Stereo Skyline, the Plain White T's, Good Charlotte, AC/DC, Owl City, the Jonas Brothers, New Found Glory, Simple Plan and, of course, Green Day. (I like a lot of bands, OK?)

I also have posters of Teen Wolf, The Vampire Diaries and Supernatural. (Yeah, so I really like supernatural TV shows....) 

Seeing my room now decorated with the collection of everything I love makes me smile. I'm happy with how it looks. It's not just a plain and bare white wall any more. It's now a reflection of me. It definitely feels like home.

The only thing left is to fill up the currently empty wardrobe. I can't stay in these old clothes forever. But I can go shopping later. I'd better go downstairs and eat breakfast first.


The Sidemen house is loud, with the constant sound of voices and people bustling around. It's something I'm not used to, since everything was quiet at my old house. I remember the long mornings and nights when my dad would always be at work or out with Josh's mum. Where I'd wake up alone and go to sleep alone. Always alone, all the time. But I don't wanna think about that any more.

I walk past the living room, seeing Simon sitting on the couch on his phone.

My mind drifts back to when he was acting cold last night. Maybe he was in a bad mood or something, I don't know. Maybe he'd gotten over whatever it was and he would be nicer to me now. I still wanted to make an effort with him, so I go into the room and sit down next to him. 

He doesn't say anything or even acknowledge that I'm there.

I clear my throat, making him look up at me..... Annd he completely ignores me and goes back to whatever he was doing on his phone.

"Good morning." I said politely, trying again.

Simon doesn't even look up this time. 

Well, so much for that. Whatever. I tried. I'm going to get food, screw him. 

I leave the room and continue on my way to the kitchen. The other Sidemen are sat around the counter eating breakfast while Josh is cooking on the stove. 

"Oh, you're awake." Josh says when he sees me. "I knocked on your door earlier, but you were dead to the world."

I sit down at the counter as he slides a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me. I gratefully take the plate of food and eat it quickly. I watch as the other Sidemen are flicking bits of scrambled egg at each other in a mini-food fight. I dodge a piece that almost goes into my hair. I can't help but smile at their childish humor. At least it takes my mind off Simon. 

I'm still kind of upset that he's acting this way. I want to get along with everyone in this house. I want to be friends with all of them. Because, for the first time I can remember, I'm starting to feel like I belong somewhere. You know? For once in my life, I feel at home. The thing with my old house is that it never truly felt like home. Just me on my own, in a place that just felt really empty all the time.

I make up my mind right there and then. I'm definitely going to go talk to him later.


I find him in his room, editing a video carefully.

I march over to stand next to him, waiting for him to look at me and notice I'm there. He doesn't.

"Simon." I said firmly. He says nothing, so I wait some more.

When he realizes I'm not going to leave, he finally turns to me. He huffs. "Do you want something?"

"Look...." I trail off. And I decide to just come out with it. 

"OK, you've been a little cold towards me since I got here, and it just kind of feels like maybe-"

Simon cuts me off suddenly. "You know what? I don't have time for this, so can you go bother someone else?" 

A wave of frustration washes over me when he says this. Ignoring his words, I move a little closer to him and cross my arms over my chest defensively.

"Hey, what is your problem with me? You've been acting like a douche for no reason."

No reply.

"I have no idea what I did to you to make you hate me, but-"

He cuts me off again, eyes widening and looking angry. "You- Do you even realize?"

"This is a guy's house, okay?" he continues. "You can't just wander in and make yourself at home like everything is fine. Alright? 'Cause it's not. You should go back. Back to your old house, back to your old life.

Because you don't belong here."


A/N: This story is getting so deep and so serious lmao sorry but I had to have a reason for them to hate each other more. I needed to create more tension between them. So this was kind of a filler chapter? Just to allow more dramatic stuff to happen in the future.  Also did anyone notice the song I put in with this chapter because it's a summary of Annie and Simon right now hahahaha.

School has officially started for me so I'm going to be busy busy busy. But I'm glad I got this chapter out so the story can move on more. I don't know when I'll next be able to update, but hopefully it will be soon.

If anyone's wondering what happened with Misty, they had to put her up for adoption when Annie left. :( Yeah. Also all the stuff with her mum is gonna be important for later in the story. So if it seems like Annie keeps talking about her for no reason, well, that's why. 

Did you guys start school already? Did you get your schedule? I'm gonna have a different English teacher that I don't like and I think I'm gonna struggle to get through it with them this year. :/ 

Questions based on this chapter: What's the weirdest dream you ever had? Do you own a cat? If you do, what's their name? Do you like horror movies? Do you have posters in your room? Of what bands/TV shows/movies??? Yeah I can't think of any more. Goodbye guys. See you in the next update ~ MBR :) x

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