Chapter Three

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Hey everyone. I'm finally, finally back with an update that is LONG overdue. I'm so sorry. I can't say anything other than sorry. I was planning to for ages and then I just couldn't. But I have finally, finally gotten to a point where I can stop spending all my time focused on school and actually write. So here. :)

Also about Summer with the Sidemen, I know I kind of left it on a cliffhanger and I do plan on updating that eventually, but I'm having way more fun with this fic at the moment. So yeah, this story will probably be updated a lot more and for a lot longer than Summer with the Sidemen.

And thanks for 1K reads!!!!!! :)


I have officially given up trying to be friends with Simon.

I'm done with making an effort to be nice to him. The guy just doesn't like me for some reason.

A week has passed by since I moved into this house. I went shopping with Vikk and Tobi and bought a ton of new clothes and things, along with some hair dye - just because. I played a little bit of FIFA with Ethan, and hung out with Harry in his room while he played a scary game. They're all really chill guys and they seem to like me, I feel like I truly fit in with them.

And Simon - well, I've barely seen him around. I don't know if he's deliberately avoiding being in the same room as me but I don't care. I'm perfectly happy to go off and do my own thing while he's with the others. Works for me.

I heard him arguing with Josh the other day about "when that irritating bitch is going to leave".

.... But tonight, we're all going out to see a movie together. I'm slightly anxious about what will happen, but I don't want to let him stop me having fun. I don't want it to be awkward for everyone else though. It's definitely not a secret to them that we don't like each other. Josh tried many times to talk to him about treating me nicer, but he just won't listen.

I sigh loudly, shaking the thoughts out of my head. I reach out and turn the shower knob down, shutting off the hot water that I've been running through my hair for the past 20 minutes. I grab a towel and pull on fresh clothes (a Fall Out Boy hoodie and blue jeans).

I pick up my phone and start scrolling through Twitter while drying my hair. I noticed that the Sidemen all have Twitter accounts, so I decide to follow them. Well, everyone except douchebag. (That's my new nickname for Simon. Cute, right?)

When I'm done, I go and stand in front of the mirror to admire my new appearance.

There are now dark blue streaks in my hair. I like the way it stands out against the brown. It's cool and colourful and just different. I love it.

After applying eyeliner and pulling on a pair of blue converse, I'm ready to leave. I go downstairs and see Vikk as he's standing by the front door on his phone.

"Hey." he says without looking up. "The others are-" he cuts himself off when he finally sees me. "Whoa. Nice hair."

"Thanks." I smile, walking outside.

Harry is standing right in front of the door, talking to Simon and Tobi. Me, being the clumsy idiot I am, stumble straight into him and fall backwards. He wraps his arm around me quickly before I hit the ground.

"Jesus. You okay?" he laughs.

I'm still frozen in his arms and I move to get up, blushing a little bit. "Yeah, fine. Thanks."

"Careful, Harry." Simon comments. "You might catch something."

I roll my eyes, pushing myself out of Harry's hold.

"Simon." Tobi says warningly.

I ignore all of them and walk towards where Ethan is stood against Josh's car.

"That was rude." he says, shaking his head. Then he leans closer to mutter into my ear, "Do you want me to beat him up later?"

I chuckled. "Hmm. Tempting. But I can deal with him, thanks."


We're about halfway through the movie when I feel something hit my head. And it happens again. And again.

Simon is flicking pieces of popcorn into my hair. This is actually happening right now. For real.

"Real mature." I mutter quietly to myself.

He's two seats away from me, since Josh made sure to sit between us (thank God) and I was too slow to get to the seat furthest away from him.

I started catching the popcorn he was throwing at me, putting it in my mouth instead and staring at him as I chewed it. Ha. He eventually gave up, huffing and turning back to the movie.


As we were leaving the cinema, I bought a big slushie. Because I'm a giant child and I love them. :)

We're all walking along the street to the train station, talking excitedly about the movie's ending (except for me, I'm just quietly sipping my drink and listening)

Ow, ow ow. I get major brain freeze as the coldness hits me. Pretty soon I start shivering, despite the fact I'm wearing a hoodie.

"You okay?" Vikk chuckles next to me when he notices. "You can have my jacket if you want." He offered kindly.

He slips it around my shoulders, and I wrap it tight around myself gratefully.

"Just make sure you disinfect it afterwards, bro." Simon says. "You don't wanna get her germs on it."

Everyone stops talking suddenly, causing a dead silence to fall over us.

I breathe deeply, feeling something snap inside me. He's been acting shitty and immature all day and I've had just about enough.

I stare at the cold drink in my hand, and look at him. I get a sudden urge to move towards him and tip the remainder of my slushie onto his head.

So I do.

He staggers away from me, flinching at the cold liquid suddenly dripping from his hair. "What the hell?!"

I smirk to myself.

I don't regret anything I just did.


LOOOL I actually quite like writing about them disliking each other. It's different, and interesting for sure.
So the whole story will not be like this, I promise. Every chapter won't be full of hate and awkward tenseness and everything. I'm going to write a chapter in Simon's POV soon that will explain everything a bit more.

Fun fact: I have actually dyed my hair with blue streaks before. The picture is what I thought it would look like for her. But I realllyy love highlights that aren't usual hair colors like brown or blonde, but red and pink and purple. So I just had to have this in there.

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