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    Panting loudly she dashed into a fresh puddle of water turning corner after corner. Quickly peering behind her she caught sight of the heavily armed suited men storming after her.

    Fear seized her body; time seemed to go in slow motion as she darted around a parked car looking for a safe destination to hide. Alyssa was growing tired, she could feel her legs starting to collapse. Her breath squeezing painfully out of her chest.

    She began to hallucinate, she imagined her bedroom. The freshly pained walls and the smell of her cotton sheets, the beautiful painting hung next to her window.

    She fell, skidding across the street in a slumped heap of skin and bones. That's all she was, a useless being used for human experiments to benefit what some might call the "New World". Craning her neck she watched helplessly as her pursuers charged forward. All the happy images came flooding back into her head, a haunting smile spreading across her face. Wishing the hallucinations could be real she reached out desperately her fingers scraping the surface of her new painting. By the window.

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