Princess Of Death

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    He drove the car in silence. My vision swam and my thoughts scrambled together, marveling over the fact that I was still alive. I winced as his smooth velvet voice filled the musty air.

"You should sign the contract Astrid." He purred.

    Pushing up from my slumped position I turned towards the large cloaked figure muttering, "I pity you." Ignoring the dull drumming in my right temple. A loud laugh burst from his chest, I watch silently. He turns his large frame slowly in my direction; pushing his shadow-covered face so close I could smell the nicotine lingering between his hidden lips.

"After that heroic fight, I'm surprised you have an ounce of sarcasm in you."

    Sneering at his statement I peer out the window shuffling a hand through my dark, lank hair.

    A moment passed, piercing white noise filled the air threading viciously into my eardrums, searing the bloodied tissue resting in my head. Pained, I threw myself on the door yanking desperately at the handle.

    It stopped.

"As much as I'd like to see that pretty face smashed into nothing..." He trailed off heaving a heavy sigh, "sadly you die on my command princess."

    I rocketed back against the padded seat panting lightly, my ears drink in the ugly pet name the cruel hooded beast assigned me. Forcing down a bitter laugh I press a clammy palm to my head groaning, the steady drum in my temple growing into a thunderous pound. Hoisting myself upright, I briefly ponder how much will power it would take to slam the E brake and run. Again his voice slices the air, no longer smooth, but sharp and demanding.

"Sign the contract Astrid, this is your final chance."

    Staring past him I whisper, "No."

    Turning quickly his large gloved hand grasped my chin angling it painfully upwards.

"Then allow me to say farewell, princess." He hissed.

     The liquid black shadow that cloaked his inky facade started to fade. A slow lazy view of a severely handsome man filled my eyesight. I stuttered quietly staring straight into the face of the notorious Azazel, fear pinched my gut. Only those who were about to face death were allowed to peer beyond the shadow of Azazel's hood. Reeling back I slam against the door, once against his rich laughter filled the air.

"Goodbye, Astrid." He giggled; wiggling his leather-bound fingers in my face.

    Then, he was gone.

    I twisted my neck towards the window, watching as the car barreled ahead, a swampy lake nestled in my path. Shaking my head I realized that this would be my last and worst memory, what a pitiful life I had.

    Watching the lake I smirked, my own laughter consuming the air around me.

"Not today." I whispered.

     This princess dies on her own command.

     And with that I reach for the door handle, ready to seal my deal with the devil.

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