Fun in the Snow

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"Can I flip it yet?" I ask Granma Esme as I look and the bubbling pile if batter on the glistening skillet.

"No, not yet sw-"

"I wanna flip it! I wanna flip it!" Mackenzie interjects as I hear her bare feet slapping against the hard wood floors as she runs into the kitchen.

"Kenzie, honey calm down. You will get a turn." Grandma Esme says softly to a jumping ball of Mackenzie.

"I wanna go first!" she whines. Mackenzie knew how childish she was being but enjoyed the attention too much to care. I love my sister but she really knows how to push buttons.

"Baby, you have to take turns. Why don't you go help Nessie with the orange juice." Grandma suggests. I look away from my batter to see Mackenzie look across the kitchen at Nessie trying to juice an orange by hand.

"That looks sticky." Kenzie scoffs with sassy dripping from every word. I shake my head and return my attention to my pancake.

"Now?" I aske grandma Esme

"Yes, flip it now it will be perfect." I grin wade as I slide the metal spatula under the thin half cooked disk and flip it over to finish cooking it.

"I wanna make eggs!" I hear Kenzie shouts excitedly. I look over and see her carrring the carton of eggs to the counter right next to the stove. Kenzie loves eggs, if she could, she'd eat nothing else, accept maybe a deer or a rabbit.

Mackenzie went to grab one of that pans that were hanging over the stove. She jumped up onto the counter, somewhat gracefully, and chose a large pan."Kenz, be careful,your gonna fa-" It was too late for grandma Esme's warning.
Mackenzie slipped on a forgotten puddle on the counter. Before she could catch herself she dropped her pan and her carton of eggs, and even took out the griddle with my perfect pancake.In a blink of an eyes,, Grandma Esme sprang into action. She caught Kenzie before che could hit the floor, like our breakfast had.
"I think that's enough cooking for one day."
The ground crunched loudly under my white Timberland boots as I ran and jumped through the snow. I could feel the winter air only slightly through my thick black sweatshirt and matching black leggings. I giggle in delight as I twirl myself, watching my tutu meld into the previously undisturbed snow, the trees created a swirl of green around me. I was in my own world while EJ and Ness were slightly up ahead walking with Mom and Jacob.

As I twirled in the breeze, my senses were filled with the appetizing scent an unfortunate woodland creature.
'EJ, come hunt with me!' I think to my brother as I stopped twirling and let the dizziness dissipate. I would have included Nessie, but I know Jacob wouldn't like her hunting with us, he thinks we're too rough for his delicate Nessie. Plus she had already picked off her prey for the day. Not that you could tell, Ness never made a mess, she could take down any animal and not spill a drop. EJ and I perfered to have more fun with it. But, maybe not today, he was dressed rather nice for hunting. He was wearing a maroon long sleeve collared button up, blue jeans, and brown Timberland boots. He might want to stay clean.

'Okay!' EJ thinks back eagerly. 'Let me ask mom first.' EJ didn't do much without our mom's approval, I hoped she would say yes, or my fun would be ruined. I would probably still go hunt for lunch against my mother's wishes, but EJ would never.

"Be careful you two." Mom yells to us as EJ runs towards the tree line.

"Beat you to the top of that tree!" EJ challenged. He already had a head start; I take off toward the tree that EJ had pointed. I wasn't the tallest tree, but it was the tallest in view of our mother. I climbe the tree swiftly, using my strength to push myself from one snow covered branch to the next. EJ however had beaten me to the top, he was a lot quicker than I was, and a lot stronger.

"Finally." EJ says jokingly when I reach the top of the tree maybe 20 seconds after he did.

"Be quiet." I grumble in defeat as I scan the forest floor from the tops of the tree. 'Look, there.' I think to EJ. I didn't want to alert the prey to our presence. There was a single snow rabbit hoping about. EJ and I both knew we didn't have to scout from a tree to hunt. It was more fun this way, climbing trees was like a muscle warm up.

'There's two over there.' EJ points out 2 snow rabbits. I could hear their hearts beating, they were calm, oblivious to our presence. 'I'll go catch them. You stay to back me up.' EJ thinks to me as he's about to jump from the tree.

'Why do you get to go first?' I pout.

"I'm faster." He playfully taunts to me with a slight smirk before hoping from the treetop gracefully, and landing right before our prey. His landing had barely made a sound, but the two rabbits scatter. EJ chased his just out of the tree line catching it. It was my turn! I jump from the tree, slightly less gracefully, and chase the rabbit further out into the open clearing. I catch the rabbit and start on my early lunch.

When I looked up I noticed I was right behind mom, Jacob, and Nessie. Ness was in the air staring off into the distance. I look in the same direction as Ness and could only make out a human figure in the distance.

Nessie came down and quickly attached herself to Jacob. "Who is that mommy?" E.J. asks her as he takes her hand. He had finished his lunch and joined us in the middle of the clearing. I still had my 'lunch' in my hand, a few feet away from my mother and E.J.

"I think that's our cousin from Denali." Mom says to us. "Irena!" She yells a familiar name into the distance. The blonde figure froze in place for a few moments before she sped off over the cliffs.

"There's my munchkins!" Daddy greets us as we enter the house the house. We all run to him excitedly, as he kneels to our level with his arms open wide for us. Nessie and I ran into his arms while EJ hopped on daddy's back. EJ and I had cleaned off the blood from our faces and buried the rabbits before leaving the clearing, there wasn't a trace left, except for maybe the smell.

"Me and EJ caught snow rabbits." I tell him as he carries us to the living room, where the rest of our family was.

"How many did you catch?" Daddy asked prompting me to continue my story. Nessie had already hopped out of daddy's arms was on the piano bench. She was our father's pianist prodigy. EJ had also gotten down and was on the search for his sketch book, he was quite the artist.

"We caught at least a thousand!" I exaggerate with a giggle.

"Wow, a thousand! Really?" Daddy plays along with a genuine laugh.

"I caught 900 of that thousand." EJ interjects. I look over and see EJ on the floor in front of the piano flipping through the pages of his spiral bound sketch book, looking for a blank page.

Dad set me on the ground next to the piano, still laughing, before taking the other side of the bench where Nessie was, he could tell she was getting slightly inpatient.

Mom was talking to everyone about something, probably that vampire lady we saw. "We saw Ireana, today and she didn't look happy." They were talking about the blonde vampire.

"Maybe seeing Jacob was too much for her." Esme says. I tune out after that as I hear Nessie start play the piano. The melody was elegant, the rhythm seemed to speak to me. I start to dance to the slow magical tone of the music. I had to be careful of my surroundings though, I had to be sure not to trample EJ, who was on the floor drawing. Dancing was kind of my thing, music always spoke to me, sometimes I sing too.

Our family watched in admiration as we all did our own thing. They all thought we were adorable. I let Daddy and Nessie's serene melody flow through me until it was interrupted by a horrible cacophony that stopped me dead in my tracks. My eyes land on the source of the horrid sound, there stood Aunt Alice, right in front of the remnence of a glass vase. The flowers had crashed to the grown, scattering across the room. Daddy instictually grabbed my wrist and pulled me gently towards him, and away from the shattered mess. Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing, and turned to Aunt Alice, her pale pixie face was horror struck. I recognize the blond vampire we'd seen earlier, Irena, in her thoughts. She was in some sort of stone throne room speaking with other vampires that I'd never seen before.

"The Volturi. They're coming for us!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2021 ⏰

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