Not One, But Three

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I know by now you probably all hate me and have no fath in this story but I'm coming back so please forgive me and read.


"E.J." my fathers voice whispered as the cool air hit my warm body. Blood covered his face but his eyes were soft and loving.

"Give him to me." My mother's voice croaked. There was a seconds delay before I'm handed to my mother. I contently snuggle against her waiting patiently for my sisters to join. I hear "Incredible, there's a girl, Renesmee." As my twin is placed beside me on our mothers chest. I expect to hear father call out a third name for my second sister, but I don't. Suddenly mother lets out a gasp. I look over to see that Renesmee had bitten our mother.

'BAD' I think to her knowing she would hear me. I could feel how overwhelmed our sister was. But before I could make sure she was alright Renesmee and I were whisked away from our mother.

"Rose, Alice take them." Says our father as I feel myself being lifted and handed to another person. I start to cry missing the warmth and my other sister.



In the two days since our birth my two sisters and I have been loved by our awesome family. Our Nana Esme and Grandpa Carlisle. Our aunts Rose and Alice, and our uncles Jasper and Emmet. Nessie even made a friend, one of the wolves, Jacob. And, of course, we know our father. Sadly, we have yet to meet out beautiful mother... until now. All three of us knew it was time to meet her. The atmosphere of the room had changed. Everyone seemed to be nervous or on edge. Nana Esme held me more tightly to her and I could tell Aunt Rose had tightened her grip on Nessie and Kenzie.

I don't remember much of our mother I only spent a short time with her; I do remember her warmth and her the sound of her heart. I couldn't wait to see her again. 'Mommy's coming.' I thought to Mackenzie. Nessie could hear my thought; I planted it in both of his sister's minds, but I knew that Kenzie would be the only one able to answer back.

'Do you think she will like me?' Mackenzie thinks to me nervously. Our mother had been bitten and passed out before she got to hold Mackenzie, but I knew she would love her just the same.

'She's going to love all of us Kenzie, don't worry.' I think back to her. My reassurance brought joy to her. Mackenzie giggled and gurgled in delight. She knew I was right, and she wouldn't have to worry.

Our giggles subsided when everyone in the room goes silence Out of the silence came the exciting sound of two sets of feet walking across the hardwood floors.

'That's her!' I giggle excitedly. just as a beautiful woman with shiny brown hair and bright red eyes walks into the room with our dad. Everyone was crowded around us, blocking the view of our mother, I try to twist and turn to get a better look. She spots me first, then her eyes drift over to Nessie, and then slowly over to Mackenzie, and then back to me.


I never saw our mother, I was handed away to Nana Esme before I could get a chance, but EJ and Nessie have told me what they remember about her. She's never met me but EJ says she'll love me just like everybody else. When I did see her, it brought a smile to my face EJ and Nessie's memories didn't do her justice. Her long brown hair was a barker version or mine, but her red eyes were startling. She first went to EJ, taking him from Nana Esme's arms. She cradled and caressed him bonding with him silently at first, before making her way over to Aunt Rose, who held Nessie and I. She studied us with silent curiosity. I could hear her thoughts, among other things, she was thinking if she could hold all of us at once, and she was thinking about how old we all looked.

"I was only out for two day?" She asked out loud.

"They have very impressive growth rates." Grandpa Carlisle says to her.

"Their so beautiful." She gasps. Nessie reaches out to touch our mother, who leans in closer so that Nessie can place her palm on here cheek. Ness was using her gift; I could see the memories playing in both of their heads. "What was that?" Our mother asked astonished.

"That's how she communicates." Daddy says as he places his hand on mommy's shoulder.


"How do I read thoughts? How does Alice see the future?" Daddy asks rhetorical. "She's gifted, they all are."

Mommy gasps, EJ's thoughts echoed in her head, as well as a picture he had put together: The image was our mother, it was her looking into EJ's eyes the moment he first saw her. 'I love you' echoed in her head along with the image. Daddy smiled with a chuckle. "EJ, can implant thoughts and images into anyone's head, It's very a very interesting gift."

Mommy looks at EJ lovingly. "I love you too baby." She gives EJ a peck on the cheek. Her simple gesture of love made everyone in the room tense momentarily, then they calmed after seeing there was no danger.

I started to feel left out, it was my own fault though, I was a little shy, even with my own mother. I couldn't use EJ or Nessie's gift, I had no memories of her. "Ma!" I mumble out wanting to be heard.

"They can talk?" Mommy asks finally turning her attention to me. I reached out for her wanting to make memories like my siblings had.

"kind of , but they prefer to communicate mentally, but Kenzie likes to be heard." Daddy answers her as she takes me into her arms also. Daddy saw that she wanted to hold Nessie too, so he took EJ from her arms so she could hold both me and Nessie. She looked me deep in the eyes. She was thinking about how she had managed to give birth to three beautiful children. She thought she was dreaming. She was fascinated by me I didn't look like anyone as EJ and Ness did, I was completely my own person. In her mind I cold hear her making comparisons. 'EJ looks like Edward, he has his green eyes and slight hues of his hair color mixed in with a darker brown, but he has Charlie's thick curls. Renesmee has my chocolate brown eyes, and Edwards hair color with thick waves. Mackenzie... she has Edward's eyes, but besides that I can't place her features, her hair is thick and curly but it's too light of a brown to compare to mine, Edward's, or Charlie's, not even Renee's.'

"What's Mackenzie's gift then?" Mommy asked out loud after her deliberation.

"Mackenzie is very special." Daddy says

"I've never seen anything like her." Grandpa Carlisle adds

"She can presumably use anyone's gift. Mine, Renesmee's, Alice's... We don't really know how it works ye... but it's quite unique." Daddy continues.

"Wow." She gasps speechless.

"That's enough experimenting for one day." Jacob says out of nowhere, as he tries to take Nessie away from mommy."

"She's doing fine" Daddy protested glaring at Jacob.

"Yeah but let's not push it." Jacob insists still trying to take Nessie from mommy.

"What's your problem Jacob?" Mommy asked anger now filled her previously calm soothing voice.

"Oh please, tell her Jacob" Aunt Rose says with a smirk.

"It's a wolf thing..." That's the last of the conversation before my siblings and I were taken out of the room.


Second Chapter down y'all! I'm skipping around a bit, but we need to get to the good parts.

EJ & Makenzie Cullen (Renesmee's twin brother and sister)Where stories live. Discover now