Forgotten Memories.

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I scribbled on my sketch pad, not making eye contact with the therapist in front of me.

"Cady, this must be the 30th time you've had this dream." He said, fiddling with the name plate on his desk. It read "Dr. Allen Jenkle" in curvy, gold letters.

"But what do you think it means?" I asked, looking into his eyes as he pushed his glasses farther up his nose.

"I don't know, but..." He paused. "I think you'll figure it out..." Again, more pausing. "If you go home."

"You're letting me go home?!" I'm sure the look on my face was of pure astonishment.

"Yes. I think your ready Cady." He smiled.

I quickly stuffed my sketch pad into my bag beside me before standing up.

"Thankyou, Dr. Jenkle." I said before rushing out of the room and down the hall. As I ran past people lunged at the windows. I didnt even flinch, I was used to it. I ran into my room. It was small and plain. The only things in it were a bed, a desk, and the photos I brought from home.

I packed up my things quickly as I heard the sound of a car horn. I ran to the small window my room had to see my father smiling and waving. I grabbed my suitcase and ran past the workers taking the name plate that said "Cady Gren" off my door.

I ran through the large front doors and down the stairs. When I reached the bottom I dropped my suitcase and hugged my dad, almost knocking him over.

"Dad!" I screamed.

"Cady!" He yelled back, imitating me.

"Dad I missed you." I said, untangling my arms from around him.

"I missed you too, sweet heart. So has Everyone else. Chaice is excited to see you, too." He said, grabbing my luggage and placing it in the trunk of our car.

My smile faltered slightly at the mention of Chaice. Before everything happened and I was taken here, my mom had become very sick. With my father's busy life it was hard for us all to take care of her, so we moved her into the boat house and hired Chaice. Chaice was to take care of my mother and make sure she was never left alone. I don't remember what happened the night my mom died, but I knew it involved Chaice.

"Alright, get in the car Cady. We'll be home soon." My dad said, getting into the drivers seat of our car.

I opened the passenger door and sat down, carefully re-closing the door. I put my seatbelt on and noticed a tin with a little bow on top.

"What's this?" I asked, holding the tin up.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Those are cupcakes." He smiled, starting the car.

I opened the tin and gawked at the cupcakes infront of me. I chose one with blue icing and pink sprinkles and bit in quickly.

"They're good!" I murmered.

"Chaice made them, sort of a welcome back gift." He said, pulling out of the parking lot.

I swallowed the bite I had taken before putting the cupcake back and closing the tin.

I turned to look out my window, seeing the building I had spent 8 months in with limited contact to my family. The large words on the building read "D'Ranged Asylum" in chipped paint.

The drive was quick and silent so when I saw my house, I jumped out of the car before it had even stopped moving. Because of this, I stumbled on the landing as my dad slowed the car.

"I'll bring your luggage in!" He called through the open passenger door as I ran to the front door.

Once I was inside I took of my shoes quickly, breathing in the familiar scents of home. I had only been here 30 seconds, and I already felt like I never left. However, that thought was quickly changed as Chaice stepped out of the kitchen.


So this is the first chapter :) Let me know what you think people :D Oh, and there are probably lots of spelling mistakes, so I apologize for those.

Forgotten Memories.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant