Chapter One.

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I felt like I've had this dream, one to many times before. Its the same dream, over and over again. The one where I have no escape from, the one where this deep ominous voice keeps telling me that I cannot escape no matter how hard I try to break the chains. The Chains, metaphorically speaking, are my future, my broken future, my dark past..... Its a haze. My memory is hazy, unclear to me, like it was never meant to happen. Like I was never meant to be. Clide, is my lastname. Clide is universal, a rich a powerful name. But I am not given such glory, such power. I ran away from my fears, my father, my psycho, way word mother, both of which hated me. They used me as there own personal test dummy, which explains why I am how I am. But still.... Is it a dream?

I'm more than just an option

I've had enough of being alone. Feeling like I'm useless and unworthy. A mistake. And before you ask, no, I'm not Emo, just broken.

I refuse to be forgotten

Maybe things will be better. Soon enough, I'll find a home, and won't have to live on the cold, unforgiving streets of this city, thats unknown to me. But who'd like a freak like me? No one. At least I have one thing that keeps me sane. A very loyal furr ball named Bartholomew. Together, we get through each day.

My name is Taylor Clide, and I am a broken freak.

"Bartholomew?" Bartholomew uttered, looking up at me, worried.

I closed my laptop, and gave him a slight smile. "You keep me sane..." I said, picking him up, and petting him. "Barth, Bartholomew.." He murmured, a satisfied purr. I smiled, he was my sanity "I love my Barth.." I carefully placed him down on my hoodie, petting him as he fell asleep.

Bartholomew and I, had been with eachother since my birth, he was a gift from my deceased Aunt Clarissa, she said that he was very special, and should only be given to the person she loved most. She was the only person who ever loved me, besides Barth that is. I leaned against the cold brick walls of the alleyway, looking up at the star filled night sky. Being part cat, another side effect of my being a test dummy, I needed to get inside soon, it was gonna rain. I put my laptop back in my backpack and softly picked up Barth placing him in the hood of my jacket, puting the hoodie back in my backpack. After I was packed, I put my pepper spray back in my blue jean packet, better safe than sorry. At night, the streets were pretty quiet, but still lit up like Japan. I walked to a nearby pizza parlor, sitting at one of the open tables for a short rest. Only then, did I look strait ahead, now noticing that there was a five story high oddly 'T' shaped building, just off the coast of the city, still unknown to me.

"Hey there, little girl" I turned around, getting knocked out, "your coming with me" was all I heard before I blacked out.

Please someone save me

(A/N: So, what did ya think, did I prove the AWESOME part? Betcha wanna know who kidnapped Taylor and Bartholomew? >:3 heh... Sorry I'm werid. See ya next chapter)

Taylor Clide: The New TitanWhere stories live. Discover now