Chapter Two.

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Bartholomew?" He looked at me questioningly. "Shh.." I was looking around at what seemed to be a Five Star hotel lobby. The place was decked out in fifty shades of mahogany, all except the cream colored couch and love seat. And in the middle of it all, stood a six foot tall water fountain.

"So, have we finally awaken?" A voice that sounded all most female asked, thought she said it more like statement.
I didn't answer.

"Where are we?!" I yelled. "Bartholomew!" Barth yelled as well.
"Clide H.Q."
My heart dropped at the mere mention of my lastname. "No! Why did you bring to this-"
"Illusion? Dear child, your mind is making you think your at Clide H.Q. This is for more worse than I thought"

Before I could ask her anymore questions, everything went dark. "See you in the morning dearest" was the last thing I heard before I completely blacked out again.

In The Morning


Ugh go away


What? Go away



I pulled the covers over my head. Wait covers? Was I in a bed?

"Good morning sleepyhead!"

I looked up to see a girl who looked to eighteen years of age looking at me. She had long ebony hair and emerald eyes and a hundred watt crooked smile, which she flashed at me. "I feel like I know you from somewhere"

She nodded, looking out the huge glass windows of the Five Star bedroom.

This better be real

It is

What? She looked at me, smiling I can read your thoughts.

She then looked back towards the window, so I decided to find out what was so interesting. And when I did, I couldn't believe what I saw. It was a hundred story high view of the city, the sky was clear blue, not a single cloud in the sky. Then I saw that Tower again.

I wonder who lives there

Superheroes named Teen Titans. They protect the city.

What's the name of this city

Jump City


I know.

Where am I?

The Secret Undercover Agency For Girls

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2015 ⏰

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