Chapter 7- Victory? Not

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Sergio's Pov

"You like her, don't you?" Asked her mom

I nodded shyly, "Umm... Yeah, I think I have for a while now, I just don't know how to show it or if I should say it"

"Honey, I don't know what to tell you, but I do know one thing, don't doubt yourself" She winked, I'm confused.

"Hey!!!! I'm ready, let's go?" I turned around Damn, for five minutes she looks like she just took hours, Not gonna complain though.

She looks beautiful " You look beautiful" she blushed that was my favorite thing about her one simple comment turns her the color pink

~at the game~

I'm number 13, that's my lucky number.

"And Baeza has the ball, he shakes, he dribbles, and he scoressss GOALLLLL!" I pumped my hand in the air and saw Bri with a smile and she gave me a thumbs up, but what bugged me was that he was there He as in her other "Best Friend" Alex.

The one that helped her with rough times when I didn't and couldn't

~30 minutes pass by~

*whistle*  *whistle*

The game is over 

 "Cougars 5 and Pumas 2"

We won we are going to the championship! In the championship there are these judges  that are apart of different colleges and universities and they give you a FULL scholarship I need it Especially because I don't want to do what my parents want me to do but what I choose too I forgot to tell Bri something, I quickly headed for the locker rooms, took a quick shower, changed and called Bri and told her to meet me at the top of bleachers Running I saw two? Figures

"Hey Bri, and Alex" my voice clearly changed once I saw Alex my smile disappeared and turned into a frown.

"Hey, so watcha' need or why did you call me?" She asked

"Well, there is this Party at a 'friend's ' house celebrating our victory, and I wanted to invite you, I mean you guys," I said correcting myself

Briana's Pov

"Sure, I guess txt me the details and WE will be there, and can I invite one more person?" I wanted to invite Stephanie unless she was already going.

"Yeah, as much as you want and Sure it starts at 6 pm" I nodded and left with Alex at my side I wonder why he was so quiet.

"Are you okay? You look down"

"Yeah, I am alright, I was just thinking."

After a long silent drive home, he dropped me off and told me he would pick me and Stephanie up from her house considering my mom thinks I'm sleeping over at her house, good thing her parents are on a business trip.

I walked a few houses down till' I spotted her house I knocked and she let me in not too long after "C' mon we don't have time for you just standing there we need to get ready" she dragged me to her room without hesitation

~~~ Sometime Later~~~

We looked Amazing,   My hair was curled to perfection and with a navy blue dress and sandals   Stephanie had her hair pinned straight falling across her shoulders, and wearing a pink dress up to her knees with black stilettos We heard a horn and quickly grabbed our clutches, opened the door, and said our hello's to Alex

"You guys look amazing and beautiful" we both had our faces the color of tomatoes and we drove off to Sergio's 'Friends' party

"We are here," Alex told

"Okay, let's go and Alex you better not drink or at least don't get drunk, drunk cause we will need someone to drive us home and that will be hard considering that taxies are not allowed in this secluded neighborhood" I rambled I'm just taking preoccupations people"

"Okay, we get it Alex doesn't drink alot okay?" Said Alex trying to mimic me a bit " at least he was able to summarize what I said I looked around and saw that Stephanie left us.

"Okay, now let's go inside" he nodded in response I didn't really notice that he grabbed my hand

"Let's go and find Sergio, okay?" Just to make sure I asked him "Yeah, let's go" he confirmed and let go of my hand

~twenty minutes later~

"I am getting tired can we-" I cut him off

"I see him!!" I grabbed his hand again and tugged him to Sergio "Wow, Briana slow down you're as fast as a cheetah"

(A/N Metaphor much or is that a simile? That explains why I got a B on my English class..  ) 

"Haha, very funny, now come on slowpoke"   I replied bluntly

And suddenly Sergio turned around, saw us and waves us over to where he was going "Briana!!" He seemed sober, but I could smell a bit of alcohol.

"Yes?" "Do you and 'Alex' want to play with us?"

" I don't kn-"

"Yeah, it will be fun... I guess"  Alex cut me off

"Okay follow me, we are going to a room with only a few people.." We did as told and followed Sergio. We entered a room that seemed like a bedroom and a few people were spread on the floor with a bottle in the middle. Oh, that made sense they were playing truth or dare. We played for a while, everyone had done a dare or a truth and now the bottle was spinning again...

Sergio's Pov

My world is spinning wooshhhhh I twisted the bottle and it turned around, and around and around and around and stopped, it landed on Briana?

"Truth or dare Bri?" I asked

"Dare" she answered bravely, but I could tell she was a bit drunk from her voice    

"Umm, I have nothing anyone got any dares?" I asked

"Spin the bottle again," said Bethany one of my friends

"Whoever it lands on she has to kiss no less than 15 seconds"

It landed on ...Alex

The next thing that happened broke my heart.

They kissed. Okay, I will admit it.

I, Sergio Baeza am jealous and heartbroken.

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