Chapter 8- Regret ?

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Sergio's Pov

"Spin the bottle again," said Bethany one of my friends

"Whoever it lands on she has to kiss no less than 15 seconds" It landed on ...Alex

The next thing that happened broke my heart. They kissed.

Okay, I will admit it. I, Sergio Baeza am jealous and heartbroken.

The kiss lasted pretty long maybe even twice as long as it should have so I did the only thing I thought of RUN.

Usually, in those movies its, the opposite boy chasing girl but oh well looks like the only things that are going to chase me is the wind to a taxi.

"Sergiooooooo!! Wait! Stop running! It was a dare!" I turned around and faced her and looked into those deep hazel eyes and tears that looked as if about to spill.

Did she feel bad? Did she regret it? What does she feel for him?

Suddenly, my face was pushed to another person, and that so happened to be Briana. Did she do that? What am I thinking I am kissing her.

This is heaven.

I pulled back out of breath.

She laid her forehead on mine and stared at me with a smile and I returned it Suddenly her features changed, separated her head from mine, untangled our fingers, and backed away running.

Did I do something wrong? She looked scared.

She whistled loud and raised her hand waiting for a taxi that wouldn't stop or look at her

"Leave me alone, It was a mistake, I'm sorry, the alcohol acting up" she was a terrible liar

"Liar, Yes you did drink but that was your choice and you wanna know something? I liked that kiss, in fact, I loved it just like I love you, and I have for a long time, I know we just started getting close but idk, I just really like you but if you don't I understand" I was beyond sad about this.


"Liar, Yes you did drink but that was your choice and you wanna know something? I liked that kiss, in fact, I loved it just like I love you, and I have for a long time, I know we just started getting close but I don't know, I just really like you but if you don't I understand" that was all true.

"Well, I was telling the truth and I need to go to have fun with your.. Friends" oh I forgot  "and tell Fany that I am at her house please, and thank you I hope everything goes back to normal okay?" I gave him a quick hug and left.

I couldn't stop my hands from touching my lips.

Every time I did I would smile, and I think the taxi-driver noticed because he was making funny faces and weird at me.

When I thought about Alex I also felt happy Why is love so confusing, it tells you one thing and then later on it says another This might have ruined 2/3 of my friendships I really need to talk to Stephanie

 *Calls S-Stephanie B-Briana*


B-Where are you? I need to inform you about something important

S-Im still at the party, But I will leave now and catch a taxi because I doubt Alex stayed huh?

B-Okay, come ASAP, and yeah he left home after dropping me off

S-Okay see you in a bit, bye

-Call Ended-

 "BRIII!! Get your pretty little arse over here now and tell me what you need to tell me what happened"

"I kissed Alex"

"YOU WHAT?" I could tell there was a mixture of confusion and excitement in her voice

"And Sergio too" I mumbled hoping she wouldn't hear me, too late

"So, who did you like best?"

"I think I like both... But I don't know which one of them I like the most" confusion crossed my face

"Well you might need to decide, but let's get some rest we'll see what tomorrow has in store for us"

I nodded and we walked upstairs to her room "Night" and sleep overtook my body

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