White Bite

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This is only the first 2 chapters

Enjoy :)

Chapter 1: The Mysterious Stranger

It was the summer night after I graduated high school. I was on a run with Collin a small black and white collie mix around Blue Moon Lake like I do every night. I stopped when I saw my phone started buzzing it was my friend, Matt. I ignored his call and kneeled down infront of Collin. He gave me a big wet kiss on the cheek. I quickly wiped my check, "Eww gross Collin." He just sat there and smiled. I couldn't help but laugh. A sudden cold breeze blow which was strange because our summers are always hot and dry. It felt like a cold hand went across my neck. I couldn't help but shiver, I noticed my shoe was untied so I but Collin's leash down next to me. Something moved in the bushes and Collin was off. I called and called after Collin when I heard his whimper I headed off in the direction of his whimpers. When I saw a huge grey beast standing over my poor little Collins body I couldn't help but shed some tears. My dog, my best friend was dying. He was trying to fight back but couldn't take on the huge beast. I wanted to scream and go kill the beast. When the noises stopped I looked at Collins lifeless body. Something inside of me changed and evilness ran through my body. I stepped out into the clearing the beast's golden-brown eyes stared into my bright blue eyes. I blinked and the beast was standing infront of me his breath was hot and fast. I stood looking at the beast its eyes filled with rag. I jumped back when the beast let out a growl which shook the ground around us. The beasts paw came flying at me I fell back. He sunk his teeth into my leg and i let out a piercing scream. The beast started to drag me into the forest but my foot hit his face with as much force as I could release. The beast let go in surprise. I started to crawl away at least to get to the other side so that I could find help. The beast made a wide circle around me and kept closing in the circle tighter and smaller. I was almost to the other side when it stepped infront of me. I was shaking with fear. A tall handsome man stepped into the clearing the beast turned its attention to the man. I started to crawl away again, the beast noticed put his paw on my stomach as if to claim me. It hurt I heard a crack and a shot of pain went through my body. The stranger stepped forward and gave a low deep growl. The beast growled back and i could feel the earth vibrate with excitement. The man stepped forward and growled loudly the beast pushed harder on my stomach and then another crack. I screamed out in pain and then the beast ran back to the woods. The man ran over to me he picked up my body and started carrying me. I passed out.

I woke up the next morning in a strange room it was blue all over with a squiggle of white near the top. I let out a shriek the stranger came busting in. I looked at his bright blue electrifying eyes and I stopped moving. His smiled lite a flame in my body, "You might want to breath." He winked at me and I let out a big breath not realizing I was holding in. I stood up and walked over to him his breath gasped. I walked in a circle around him noticing every detail on his head to his feet. His hair was a light brown that feel above his eyes. His lips twitched as I looked at him. I knew he had at least a six pack maybe more. A sudden pain shot through my leg I started to fall so I grabbed a hold of his arm. He gently wrapped his arms around me and picked me up, and as if I was a china doll he sat me down on the bed trying not to break me. He quickly left the room and came back with a first aid kit. I looked at him and before he could do anything I pulled my leg toward me, "What is your name?" He smiled; "Kayden Marshall." His shy smile said it all. He was probably one of the rich boys whose mommies and daddies gave them everything as a kid. My thoughts were interrupted by a deep sweet voice, "What is your name?" Just the way he said it sent chills down my body. I blushed, "Chloe Jackson." He suddenly grabbed my injured leg. It was a deep purple with four deep puncture wounds. I held my scream in and only let out a small yelp when he touched one of the four puncture wounds. He went through the first aid kit and found some gauze and wrapped it gently around my leg. His touch sent heat waves over my body. I looked at the nearby clock 8:36 p.m. My stomach growled so I grabbed it. Kayden gave me a shy smile; I blushed deeply but then smiled. Kayden took my hand which sent shocks through my body his deep shy voice broke the silent gaze, "Let's get you some food. You sound hungry." I stood and my leg gave out so I sat back down, "I can't it hurt's..." In seconds he was carrying me in his arms heading to what I assumed was a dining hall or kitchen. I looked at all the pictures of a happy family a mom and dad and two little boys and one little girl. I smiled at the sight of him and his family. He put me down on a metal stool in the kitchen infront of a granite top island. Kayden looked at me, "So are you a vegetarian, meat-lover, or what." I smiled mischievously, "I'm a meat-lover." I couldn't help but laugh a little inside. His smile widened, "My type of girl." He winked and I turned bright red. He started pulling out some pulled pork to make sandwiches. "What happened to your family?" He dropped the food. I immediately regretted the question i dropped my head, "I'm sorry i didn't mean..." Kayden was at my side lifting my chin, "No it's just been a long time since someone has asked me about them." He walked into the hall I thought he was leaving me but he came back holding the picture of his family. He handed it to me looking closely at the two boys I could tell right away which one Kayden was, he was the one in the middle with his arms wrapped around the girl and boy. I looked up at him I could have sworn he had a tear falling down his cheek. I grabbed his hand and pulled him onto the seat next to me, I whipped away his tear.

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