Chapter 2

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Hey. So sorry for the extremely long hiatus but I will be updating now. I am not a fan myself of how the beginning went though many of you seem to like it. Instead of making anymore of you guys upset, I will update once every week and sometimes even twice if you all are lucky. Anyways, hope you enjoy the next chapter!

A loud screech could be heard from across the school yard, resounding past the school buildings and even farther if it was possible. Hissing and growling could be heard as curses and winces of pain followed suit. The sound of furniture breaking and even a vase or two was even audible. The noises coming from the abandoned male dorm that a certain pair of siblings occupied.

"Get your filthy hands off of me! I will break your fucking wrists!" A feminine voice yelled, anger and ferocity laced in your words.

"Yeah? Well I'd like to see you try!" Roared a masculine voice, equal in tone to the other one.

The building seemed to rock and shake as they scorned and scowled at one another. Blue eyes angrily bore into {E/C} ones and the air was so thick, it could be cut with a hot knife. His black tail lashed as well as yours before a battle of fists and claws ensued. You quickly pouncing onto the other as he threw his fists in an attempt to get you off. Narrowly dodging, you had took the male out with your legs which resulted in him falling onto his ass. Yours ears flicked back as you snarled and bared your teeth. Launching yourself on top of the male once again, you were thrown off by the black Samhain with a growl.

The feline seemed to grow in size, reaching the ceiling before baring his own canines and hissing at you. In response, black wings unfurled from your back and raised high above your head while hissing as well. You were a bit intimidated but who wouldn't be at such a larger creature then yourself? They may have been almost the same species but you were undeterred by his ferocity. There was no waver in your pride nor ego, but you turned away from the raven haired male with a scowl. It would be a fruitless fight if you couldn't even kill him or injure him in some way.

Making your way to the window, you were just about to touch the glass before a spark seemed to run up your fingers and hand. Raising a brow, you touched the glass but instantly regretted it as the feeling of electricity ran through your body. It wasn't until a few moments later when you flew back did you seem to relax. Your body twitched and you seemed to spasm slightly with the scent of smoke wafting off your clothes and skin, but you wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon. Wings retracting into your back, you laid limply on the floor with your eyes closed and chest moving regularly. You had lost consciousness from the shock, both literately and figuratively.

Without your knowledge nor to Rin's, there was a barrier set up just outside the dorm keeping the two trapped inside the building. It was a safety precaution from Yukio to keep the two here for a few certain reasons. God only knew what Rin would get into and what or who you may attack next. The scent of blood was stuck in your clothes from the last incident. Such a gruesome sight, even if they had seen something similar to that before, it was still horrifying to see the mess you had made.

Rin gave a sigh, raking a hand through his hair as he looked over at Kuro. The girl was tricky, obviously with knowledge on how to fight properly and maybe even more. Only you really knew. Turning to Kuro, he pet the black Samhain's head as the feline proceeded to walk off towards your sleeping form. Once he made it to you, he curled around your body as if protecting a child. It appeared that way by how massive he was at the moment, a cute sight even in the eyes of satan's spawn.

"Make sure she stays there. Alright Kuro?" The raven haired male asked of his cat familiar, standing with a bit of a wince escaping his lips. You had gotten part of his face and neck with your claw-like nails, lines of red with blood bubbling from the wounds in trickles of crimson.

Hai Rin!

He smiled, flashing a toothy grin to Kuro before exiting the room. "Dammit, when will you be back? I'm not going to survive another attack if it keeps up like this." Rin quietly muttered to himself, looking out whatever window he passed as he made it to the kitchen. Trying to distance himself from you as much as possible in case you'd attack him again. He couldn't blame you, though, he'd probably be angry too if he was in some unfamiliar place. Then again, you probably weren't angry but scared.

"That's it." He hit his fist into the palm of his open hand as his tail seemed to wag behind him. You probably only attacked in self defense, or so he hoped, and was probably just frightened about being in a new place. It was impossible for you to have any recollections of coming here, you were asleep after all. With that figured out, he only had one more question unanswered. How in the hell was he going to survive before Yukio comes home?!

I made you attack the babes. ;-;
I feel bad... Yet again I find it hilarious.
Expect more updates!

Black Tails and Blue Flames (a Rin Okumara x Neko!Winged!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now