chapter 11

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Nadines pov
omg today was amazing. Luke is so sweet he got me roses and put them in my locker asking for a date. Of course i said yes.
We were at our dinner date and all the sudden luke asks me "do you know what my favorite thing about you is?" "No. What?" "Youre glasses" "seriously?" "Yep" after that we just held small talk when the waiter came and took our orders. On the way out i was walking acrossthe street when..
Lukes pov
We were walking acrossthe street when a truck comes out of know were and hits nadine.
Sorry its short lol

Lukes pov
We were walking across the street and all the sudden a truck comes out of know were i push nadine out of the way that was a close call. After that nothing eventful haopened so i took her home and walked her up the stairs and kissed her goodbye.
Thats it thats the last chapter there will be a sequel some time avout sophmore year and there will be a book for each year and a small short one for there life after highschool enjoy

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