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She blazed into my life, all fire and wrath. Weilding iron in her fists with a stoney expression on her face.

She was chaos personified for most people. They were terrified of her. Clarke of the Sky People. Murderer of Hundreds. Princess of Pandemonium.

Angel of Death.

But they get that all wrong.

She didn't belong to the Sky People anymore. (May we meet again.)

She wasn't solely responsible for hundreds of deaths. (Together.)

She wanted order, not strife. (We are not grounders.)

An angel though. That might be right. Only an angel could have forgiven what I've done. (I do believe in second chances though.)

Only an angel would be willing to carry the weight of 48 kids on her back. (I bare it, so they don't have to.)

Only an angel would be able to do what she did and still come out of it human and not a monster. (I tried... I tried to be the good guy.)

But even an angel wasn't good enough to explain her.

Eris, Enyo, Nike, Eleos, and Hebe. A goddess.

I despised her. I fought with her. I fought for her. I watched her. I worried for her. I protected her.

And as quickly as she had co
me, she left in a whirlwind of words. Sometimes it felt like she had never even been here. One minute she was giving us orders and saving everyone and the next she was gone.

It was hard for us to say her name. It was hard for us to think about her. It was hard.

And it was even worse when she came back.

So much worse.

Go Ahead Rip My Heart OutOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora