Chapter 14

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||[Chapter 14]||
My singing had improved from the lessons, I concluded, but now was not the time to bask in the glory of my newly born heavenly voice, but to dig up all my creativity and get back at Jamie. Despite him being my best friend and being there for me while I was hurt- he deserved it. In a way, he's the one that got me injured, if you look at the situation from a very odd angle. A sly grin spread across my face as I strut down the corridor leading to the side kitchen where the dare would be dished out, oh Jamie was in it good this time!
Everyone sat in a circle chatting with each other when I arrived, the mischievous smirk forewarning everyone of what was to come. "I've found a hobby everyone! Which means the game is over!" I exclaimed, my voice trailing off slightly at the end. Everyone's face's perked, only making my grin get larger at their false hope, especially Jamie's, I wasn't letting him off the hook that easily. "Except, I want one more dare." Jamie's head slowly turned, his eyes meeting mine, his blue eyes were blown up to the size of fist almost, fear and precognition swirling in the depths of them.
"Here's what your going to do, and you have to accept...."
-TiMe SkiP GaiN CuZ I WAnNa-
Me, Jacques, Henri, and Issac all waited patiently in the audience, the plush red seats propping up my excited form as I awaited what was to come. None of us spoke as we all looked intently at the door, awaiting the arrival of the beloved Jamie who had accepted the best of dares. "Oh this is gonna be good!" Jacques murmured, as the doors began to slowly creak open. Then walked out Jamie, dressed in the poofiest most pink dress in Carlotta's wardrobe, a couple of touches of makeup on his face to top it off. He stalked onto the stage, blu chasing furiously as all commotion stopped and all eyes were on him. It was only getting harder and harder for the four of us to not burst out laughing, the crowd analyzing Jamie's look criticizingly. Then he began singing, it was the worst singing I'd ever heard in my life, but it was also the best singing I'd ever heard. I don't think I'd ever laughed so much in my life! My hands were wrapped around my stomachs as me and the rest of the boys rolled around like a bunch of Neanderthals on the ground, our laughter echoing as Jamie's voice came to a close. It was so obnoxious of us, but despite our loud giggles, everyone's eyes staid glued on Jamie's blushing form. "GET OUT OF MY DRESS YOU HOOLIGAN!" Carlotta's screech was the icing on top of the cake, racking my body with even more laughter than before. It was priceless to see Jamie running off the stage in that thing, especially with Piangi and the managers chasing after him. It felt like we were curled up on our sides laughing like maniacs for hours, though it was only ten to twenty minutes- it still felt like a prolonged time.
Everyone dispersed a bit later, though Issac and I were walking silently to the roof because we both needed some fresh air. Like always, the wind was a hard slap in the face compared to the surprisingly somewhat heated opera house. "Brhhhhh." I mumbled, closing my good arm around my body as a chill swept through my body.
"You cold?" He asked with a light chuckle, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me to his body in a warming gesture. I didn't take it as affection though, he was just warm, that was all.
"Just a bit." I stuttered out, basking in the warmth radiating from his body.
We stood in content silence for a bit, the whistling of the wind the only thing in the air. "Would you like to go out for dinner soon? Tomorrow perhaps?" He asked out of the blue, his think voice like a leaf in the wind in the serene night.
The question caught me off guard, I mean, I didn't have anyone, but it stall felt wrong to say yes. I opened my mouth, but no words came out, what was I supposed to say?
"You don't have to if you don't want to, it was just a suggestion." His voice held an eminent disappointment despite trying to hide it. And despite the fact that I wanted to say no, it would break his heart, and who knows where our friendship would be then! Not to mention I didn't have anybody that loved me, so it couldn't possible matter.
I smiled up at him, trying to make it a genuine as possible despite my frozen features, ignoring the feeling of a pair of unbeknownst piercing eyes burning holes into my back. "I'd be delighted."

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