"Love Loyalty Lies"

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After hanging out for a few at Desy's house, Desy & Brittany left to head to Flushing Avenue train station. It was 10:00pm and Desy was getting pretty tired and just wanted to get away from Brittany.

"Soooo, when Im going to see you again?," Brittany asked smirking.

Desy could clearly see the smirk on Brittany's face but quickly ignored it.

"Soon, just let me know when you out here again," Desy replied

At this point Desy and Brittany were standing face to face.

A few seconds later Brittany lean's forward to kiss Desy & Desy just ended up kissing her back.

Desy thought
"Maybe it was wrong for kissing Brittany but Boy Oh Boy Brittany was Gorgeous and hard to resist",

After that Desy said her goodbyes to Brittany and headed home and that when her phone began to ring and without looking at the tiny monitor she automatically picked it up.

"Yeah," Desy answered.

"Because of you Im on my way to the fucking hospital!!!," Jade yelled into the phone.

"But why, what did you do. We could've just spoke about it before you did anything!," Desy shot back

"You know what I'm done with your lying asss!!," and with that Jade hung up.

Desy attempted to call Jade back but Jade never picked up so Desy continued to call multiple time's but still got no answer, it had worried Desy because she just started feeling Jade and already she broke up with her.

Desy then thought
"Why can"t I ever keep a girl? What's wrong with me? Nah! Fuck that, there's nothing wrong with me! I'm going to fight to get her back even if it kill's me!

Desy snapped out of her thoughts by the ringing of her cellphone. She quickly grabbed it and this time she took the time to look at the tiny monitor.

It read


So of course Desy quickly answered it.

"Listen please, I strongly apologize. I was wrong and I'd do anything to show u that I want to be with you! What can I do to show you my loyatly?," Desy said before Jade could even speak.

"Well what you can fucking do for me is call that bitch on a 3 way phonecall and cut her ass off! and you make sure you tell her you have a girl!," Jade replied sternly.

"Okay, Im going to call her now! Stay on the line," Desy then clicked over to the other line & dialed Brittany's number and clicked back over to Jade once Desy heard Brittany say hello.

"Hello," Brittany answered

"Hey, What's up? Listen the stunt you pulled earlier was pretty childish and you disrespected my girl! I should've told you in person but I just had to let you know now that I just cant be incontact with you anymore," and with that Desy just hung up on Brittany without letting Brittany reply and clicked back over to Jade.

"I hung up on her because she will just start arguing with me and that is just a waste of both of our time," Desy said hoping for the best that Jade would just take that excuse because Deep down she knew she was messing with that girl while she was just starting to get to know Jade but of course Desy couldn't let Jade find that out, at least not that way.

"Okay whatever, I don't care because when I get down there your going to be on lockdown anyways!,"

Desy then started laughing

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