Karma's a Bitch

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( ive decided to get this book published but I can't do this alone I need all you guys help, if you can see it in your hearts to donate as low as one dollar I would be so graceful! I really want to say this book published so please share a donation here's my link Please donate to help publish this book

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6 Months later and I've had no contact with Jade since the day she had gotten herself a new bitch. I haven't talked to her or even seen her for going on 6 month's and it honestly felt good but shitty at the sametime because I still loved her. Did you ever loved a girl with all your heart and she just up and disappears out of your life?, over something y'all prolly could've fixed? And yes Jade was indeed the first girl I ever truly loved but I knew deep down that someday I will eventually let that wall down and let someone new in to love me the way I loved Jade but way better.

I sat up in bed & looked at my cable box that was on top of my 52inch flat back TV that's been with my family for generations and it said 12' O'clock pm then out of nowhere my phone started to ring. I took a deep breath and got highly irritated because I had forgotten it on ny table that was all the way on the other side of my room.

Ugh, im so lazyyyyyyyyyyyyy, maybe whoever's calling would get the point and STOP calling.

But they didn't stop.

They continued to call several time's and I had to make it stop so I finally got up. I walked over to the ringing phone and looked at the tiny monitor before answering the call which said "Unknown Caller" and for some reason I knew it had to be Brittany because that chick hasn't stoped trying to call and text me since she had found out me and Jade broke up for good but that bitch need's to learn to stay in her lane because I didn't ever want to see or talk to her again.

Then I started thinking whether I should even answer the call or ignore it but I ended up picking up the call.

"Yeah" I answered a bit irritated

"Hey, I know this is crazy and might come as a shock to you that I'm calling you but I really really need you right now", the Unknown caller replied

The crazy shit about this call was that it wasn't Brittany....

"Why are you even calling me for? Didn't you leave me 6 month's ago for that bitch, ummm what is that bitches name? Oh yea, Dickhead? Or better yet, Douche bag??", I answered while trying to keep my cool

It definitely was Jade who was calling me but why?.

"Listen, Im so sorry honestly and I know it doesn't matter because I can never take back what I did but you fucked up too and crazy thing is I still will ride for you. You remember what you said to me when you first met me? That no matter what? No matter who you with or who I'm with or what happens, we will be their for eachother, we both promised and you never break a promise, never", Jade replied and in her voice I could tell she was either crying earlier or right before she had called me.

I do remember that, and she's right I never break my promises so maybe I can just be there for her when she need's me because when you love a girl you hold her down forever whether you with her or not.

"Okay, you got it. What's up? What's going on?", I asked feeling defeated

"I don't even know where to start", Jade replied. She then started crying.

"Is it Cee?", I asked

"Yes, Desy tell me why do I alway's give people chances and they just alway's let me down. Am I not goood enough?", she replied while crying

Funny thing that she said am I good enough because that's exactly how I felt when she had left me for Cee.

"What the fuck the bitch do to you?", I asked

I knew that this conversation started to get serious because Jade was crying hysterically and from my perspective of knowing Jade for so many years she wasn't the type of person to cry unless it was serious.

"We broke up because she went missing for 3 day's!! And you know what else!?," Jade yelled

Jade then continued talking without letting me answer.

"So She was living with me because I moved her in ......,"

I signed but stood quiet

"And she was saving money just to pay for her own FLIGHT to go to texas and that's where she's been for those 3 day's!!",

"Wait, what's in Texas?",

"Her new bitch", Jade replied sternly.

Damn, Karma's a Bitch.

"Damn, yo. So What, is this girl someone she knew or just met, like that's not even fucking cool", I replied

"She been knew her, shes going to live with her and everything and she's beautiful, she has her own car, house, she does tattoo's and piercing's and her bodies even covered in tattoo's and piercing's. I just feel like the bitch look's way better then me", Jade confessed with tears rolling down her face.

Damn this girl did her FBI shit on Cee's new boo, she prolly know's the bitch more then Cee do, lol and now it's even fucked up that she's feeling super insecure about Cee's boo and that's EXACTLY how I felt when she had left me for Cee, how Ironic is that?

At this point I want to tell Jade off and point out that what she is going through is exactly what I felt and is what Jade had put me through but I just held onto that information because honestly right now Jade's already hurting.

Me and Jade talked more about Cee then ended up calling it a day and then we both hung up.

This was a rocky start to my day. But it didn't mess it up because it's Friday and I was definitely going to party later that night.

I took a shower and put on some new clothes. I threw on an H&M cardigan in black with a white tee underneath with jean's and a pair of Tims. I walked out the door and hop'd in a cab with my friend Tazz who was waiting outside for me.

Tazz was a very short Lesbian Stud with a Mohawk. She was wearing a Coogi Jacket with Jean's, a Coogi Belt and on her feet she had on Blue Legend 11s.
She wasn't cute, she was okay but she was still cool and I liked hanging out with her.

We both was in the Cab heading to Bay Ridge to meet with Tazz's friend's at this Lounge. I didn't know any of Tazz's friend's but I was cool with it only because I loved being around new face's.

We got to the lounge in 45 mins and Tazz's friend's were already there, right in front of the building waiting in line. When the cab driver parked in front we both hop'd out, payed the driver then walked to the line where Tazz's friend's were waiting for us.

I then introduced myself to Tazz's friend's.

And I met

Hev & DD, they were a Stud4Stud couple. They both was sexy too. Hev looked like a little white boy, she had a ceaser cut and an eyebrow piercing. She had both her arm's covered in tattoo's. She was wearing a baseball Jersey with the number 69 on it with a pair of Jean short's and Cool Jay's on her feet. DD on the other hand looked like a little Asian boy, she had long hair down her back and she was wearing a jean jacket with a white tee under neath with grey sweats and navy blue chuck's on.

Then I met

Teddy, she was a thick Pansexual stud and She looked like a teddybear. That's why they call her Teddy. She had on braids and wore a plaid stripped button up that was blue and red but the button up was open instead of closed and underneath it she wore a white tee that said "It is what it is' with long cargo pants and black Foams on her feet. She also had on a Jesus christ chain around her neck and only had 1 tattoo of a Rose on her neck.

And then that's when I met Bella

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