Adoption home

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"Oh look it the fat emo slut" as soon as I waked through the door of my oh so wonderful adoption home. From the oh so wonderful Jessie the bully of my nightmares. I had to get ready because some couple was wanting to adopted someone around my age. So I got my bvb tee black skinny jeans and all the other stuff I needed to get a shower. As I walked out of the bathroom my one and only friend Ugo was waiting for me. "Hey Abby"
"Why do u keep calling me that ugo"
"Because that's your name"
"No my name is winter and that is what everyone calls me and you are going to start ca-" "abb- I mean winter the people are here"
"See I told you ABBY"-ugo
"Ur such a pain in my ass, ok I'll be back with another failed adoption"
"Abby you never know you'll get your chance one day"
As I walked down stairs I got pushed down by Jessie. All I see is 5 guys running towards me......


Ok I sorry this is a shitty chapter if you have any improvements/comments. Feel free. This is my first book

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