Chapter One; An unexpected suprise

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Hi! So, this is my first fanfic so thanks for reading! It's not perfect but I will try my best!! I'm going to update it as regularly as I can so be patient!!Thanks for reading!
Relko out! XD

It was a beautiful day, as usual in Gravity Falls. Dipper Pines, as usual, was reading his favourite of all books, the Journal. He sat on a short ledge hanging over a small, slow flowing river, his legs swinging back and forwards as he continued to read. He was reading through it again for the forty-ninth time and was quiet enjoying it. He was reading about ghosts again and didn't hear his younger sister Mabel sneaking up behind him, sparkly pink and purple glitter spread all over her face.

"Pancakes!" She screamed right next to his ear. "Aarghhh!" Dipper yelped, flailing his arms and throwing the journal in the air as he fell backwards into the river. Mabel giggled and caught the journal in her arms, waiting for her brother to get out the water. His head finally appeared from under the waters surface.

"M-Mabel!" Dipper spluttered, coughing up some water as he dragged himself up onto the bank. "Did I scare ya!?" She laughed, poking out her tongue and putting her hands on her hips. "Seriously! That wasn't funny!" Dipper stood up, soaking wet and shivering slightly. He sneezed (like a kitten) and trudged towards Mabel, pouting angrily. "Awww, did Dippy get wet!" She giggled as he snatched the journal out of her hands. "What do you want?" He asked, quite angrily.

"Me and waddles were bored so we wanted to make an ice cream waterfall and wondered if you wanted to help!" Mabel squealed happily, acting it all out as she spoke. Dipper raised an eyebrow and shook his head. "Not right now. I'm completely soaked and it's getting cold. I'm going back." He sighed, putting the journal into his vest. "Okay, bro bro! Let's go!" Mabel skipped after him, giggling.

//time skip//

"Well, what happened to you, kid?" Grunkle Stan said, looking at Dipper as he stood in the doorway. "He fell in a river!" Mabel giggled and pranced inside, swirling when she saw her pet pig waddles. "N-no, you jumped up behind me!" Dipper sighed, walking inside. "What river?" Stan asked, seeming interested as he closed the door and scratched his lower back.

"Uh, you know the bunker? It's just a few meters away from there. Why?" Dipper asked, heading into the kitchen. He felt a tad hungry and headed into the kitchen. "Just an idea to rip off the idiot tourists." Stan explained as he sat down to watch another sitting of 'The Duchess Approves' because he apparently 'couldn't find the remote'. Mabel was sitting with waffles and telling stories.

Dipper looked into the refrigerator. It was basically all empty apart from a few pieces of pizza, a whole bowl of Guacamole, a packet of lettuce and a carton of out of date milk. He observed all of the food choices and finally decided that the lettuce looked more edible and appealing to him. He went upstairs and changed out of his wet clothes, jumped onto the bed, pulled out the journal and began to read.

Time must have flown quickly because by the time Mabel came back to the room, the moon was sitting high up in the sky. "Hey, are you going to sleep Bro bro?" Mabel asked as she leaped onto her bed, wrapping the blanket around her and Waddles. "Huh? Oh yeah. Wow, it's late." He placed the Journal on the dresser and snuggling down into the bed. "G'dnight Dipper!" Mabel said, smiling at him with her braces. "Goodnight Mabel." Dipper said as he turned of the lantern and they both fell asleep.

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