Chapter Two; Monsters!

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Dippers sleep was good. No nightmares or weird dreams. It was going great until he was awoken by a scream. Mabel's scream.

"Mabel!?" He said, blinking his eyes open. He groaned as his legs felt slightly sore. His hearing was slightly disorientated and he had a splitting headache. "M-Mabel? What's wrong?" Dipper said. Mabel was standing on her bed, pointing at him. She was smiling though. "Dipper...YOUR SO CUTE!!!" She yelled, jumping up and down on her bed.

Dipper winced when she yelled and covered his ears with his hands. His furry ears. He pulled his hands back, surprised and then touched them lightly again. "What the!?" Dipper cried, frantically touching his ears to try and confirm he was dreaming. "But look at your legs! There adorable!" She squealed again, jumping down off the bed and running over to him. She ripped the blanket off of his bed to reveal the body of a deer. Attached to Dipper's torso.

Dipper screamed flailing his arms and falling off the bed. He sat there, staring at his deer body. The legs moved when he wanted them to which confirmed they were his. "W-what are they?" He asked, trying to stand up but his little deer legs collapsed underneath him. He crashed to the floor again.

"I think their adorable!" Mabel squealed, clapping her hands. Your like a Deerataur!" Dipper sighed. "There's gotta be something in the journal about it." He said, reaching up and grabbing the book off the dresser. He flicked through the pages, searching for anything that might relate to his condition. "I'm going downstairs to tell Stan!" Mabel said and ran off and out the door. "No! Mabel, wait!" Dipper cried, trying to stand up and follow her but failing miserably. He sighed and went back to frantically searching the Journal for the cause of his condition.

Dipper stopped on one page that caught his eye. A page about Fluvius Cantatis. A river that turned whoever drank it into a monster. The worst part was that there was no known cure. "Oh no..." He groaned, closing the Journal. Dipper pulled on his vest and picked up his shorts but then decided against it. He looked for his hat and found it under the bed and placed it on his head, trying his best to cover his ears and the tiny horns that were protruding from his head. Dipper then attempted to stand up. It took a few tries, most ending in complete failure until he finally managed to drag himself to the doorway. It was hard to walk when your top half weighed more than your bottom half. He finally paid attention to his surroundings. He perked his ears as he heard cars pulling up to the Mystery Shack and people talking downstairs. At least he could hear things better now. Dipper walked to the closest window and peeked out the window. He gasped when he saw about the whole entire residence of Gravity Falls, pulled up in the Mystery Shacks parking lot. People were laughing and talking and rushing towards the gift shop. Dipper saw others walking out with multiple bottles of what looked like water. That's when the realisation hit him.

Last night, Grunkle Stan had asked him where the river he fell into was. He had said something about merchandise. If that was the water from the river, then everyone was going to turn into a monster. Horrified, he trotted as fast as his little hooves could carry him towards the top of the staircase. Dipper was about to take the first step when he frowned. He could hardly walk, how was he going to walk down the stairs.

But he had too, or else lots more people would be in danger. He sighed and placed his front left hoof on the first step. Then he fell.

Poor Dipper tumbled down the stairs, knocking his arms and hooves on the wood. He finally landed at the bottom, flat on his nose and sat up quickly. Last time I ever do that! He groaned and rubbed his nose, stumbling towards the gift shop. Dipper peeked his head around the corner of the door, trying not to be seen.

The gift shop was full of customers bustling to buy the water. A banner hung above the door to the verandah, the words 'Taste the age purifying water!' Dipper's ears folded back and he started to freak.

"Dipper! What are you doing?" Mabel said suddenly from behind him. Dipper yelped, his deer tail tucked between his legs. "Mabel! Don't do that!" He said angrily, clearing his throat and smoothing down his shirt. "Oh! The waters selling well!" Mabel said, peering out the door. "Wait, Mabel, what do you mean? That waters poisonous!" Dipper said, taking the journal out from his vest and flicking to the page about Fluvius Cantatis. He shoved it in Mabel's face and she read it intently. Then she smiled happily, jumping up and down. "Wow, that's awesome! I wonder what I'll be!" She squealed and turned in circles. Dippers mouth hung open.

"Wait, you drank the water!"

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