Chapter 3; Age putifying water!

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"Mabel, You showed him the river?!"

Dipper yelled, putting his hands on his head an rubbing his temples. Mabel giggled, leaning backwards and smiling. "Yup! Why, is there something wrong with that?" She asked innocently.

"Yes, look at what happened to me! Now everyone's going to look like this!" Dipper said, gesturing to himself and his lower deer half. Mabel clicked her tongue, waving her finger in his face. "Oh Dipper, maybe you just looked like that before and we just never noticed!" She skipped into the lounge and sat back on the chair with Waddles, continuing to watch 'Ducktective'. Dipper huffed and walked over to her, standing in front of the TV. "Hey Dipper, move!" She complained.

"Mabel, this is serious! I looked it up in the Journal. The river you pushed me into was cursed. There was nothing about a cure. If we don't find one, everyone's going to be stuck like this!" Mabel just shrugged. "Go complain to Grunkle Stan! Me and Waddles are trying to watch!"

Dipper sighed angrily, stepping out of the way of the TV. He walked over to the door to the Gift Shop. Peeking around the corner again, he spotted Grunkle Stan and waved him over. Stan smiled and opened the door, sticking his head out. Dipper hid his lower half behind a dresser that was sitting beside the door and pulled his hat down over his ears.

"Hey Kid, what is it?" Stan asked, smiling and glancing back into the shop. "Grunkle Stan, you've gotta stop selling that water!" Dipper said desperately. Stan look confused, and a little betrayed. "Why? It's a hit! Everyone in this town is so stupid!" He laughed, slapping his hand on his thigh.

"No! I-i mean yes... It's a hit and all but the water from that rivers cursed!" Dipper said again. He was getting tired of repeating himself. Grunkle Stan sighed and reached out to place his hand on Dippers shoulder. "Kid, you've been reading to much of that Journal thing. Go outside and...I don't know, buy an ice cream." Stan passed him a $10 note and winked before rushing back into the gift shop.

//time skip//

Dipper sighed and flopped awkwardly into his bed, getting caught up in the blankets. He had been trying all day to convince Mabel, Grunkle Stan, Wendy, Soos, anyone that the water was cursed but no one believes him. No one had turned into an ugly monster yet, so maybe the journal was wrong, or he mistook the river for another one. It was about 9:10 when he decided to go to sleep. He would wait and see what happened in the morning.

//time skip (time skip is my best buddy)//

Dipper opened his eyes the next morning to see his sister trying to drag herself across the floor and out the door. It took him a minute to notice the strange pink fish tail that had replaced her legs. "M-Mabel!" He cried, jumping out of the bed, stumbling and cantering over to her.

"D-d-dipper...c-can't breathe..." She said, gasping. Her face was pale and turning a light shade of blue. Dipper took a moment to process the situation.

Mabel, his sister, was a mermaid. He stared at her for a second, thinking off how to get her to the bathroom. Dipper picked her up and tried to put her on his back but his legs couldn't hold them both. He dragged her instead, pulling her by her arms to the bathroom and dumping her into the bath.

He turned the faucets and cool water rushed out the tap. Mabel gasped and took deep breaths when the water hit her gills. "Mabel! Are you alright?" Dipper asked, folding his legs beneath him to sit next to his sister. Mabel looked at him and then at her tail, a blank expression on her ace. Then she beamed and splashed her tail around. "Why wouldn't I be alright! I'm a mermaid!" She squealed happily. Dipper sighed, putting his head in his hands.

"Mabel, you know what this means right?" He asked, biting his lip. "I can talk to all the fishes and beavers now!" She laughed again, obviously obsessed with her new tail. "No! This means that the rest of the town must have been turned into monsters too!" This was turning into a problem.

A loud bump came from downstairs and a yell of pain, probably Grunkle Stans.

Dipper looked at the door which was hanging open a crack. The stairs creaked outside as Grunkle Stan walked towards the bathroom. "Kids?" He said from outside the door. "I think I'm gonna throw up, I don't feel well. I need to use the toilet." The door was nudged opened and Grunkle Stan stood in the doorway. He stared at them for a second and they stared back.

Then they all screamed.

Grunkle Stan looked even weirder than normal. His skin was a grey colour and growing out of his back was a pair of large, bat-like wings. A stony tail also snaked its way out behind him.

"What happened to you two!" He asked, walking towards them slowly. "Dipper, why are you a deer! And why is Mabel a mermaid?"

"What happened to you!" Mabel asked, pointing at him. "You look like a dinosaur!" Grunkle Stan looked confused, saying, "What d'ya mean?" Before running over to the mirror. Dipper stood up, with a bit of effort, and walked over to his Grunkle. "See? This is what I warned you about yesterday!"

Stan looked at him, confused. "What?" He asked, swallowing. "Remember how I told you about the water you were selling? It was cursed!" Dipper nearly yelled, getting angry now. No one ever listened to him.

Grunkle Stan seemed to brighten at that. "Oh yeah, I made a lot of money yesterday. Haha, well, everyone in this town is a fool!" He laughed.

"Grunkle Stan, that's not the point! Look at us!" Stan observed them and then himself before shrugging. "It's not that bad. We can just look up the cure in that Journal of yours!" Dipper growled, stomping his hooves angrily. "There is no cure!" He shouted. Everyone stood in silence for a moment, but Mabel broke it. "I could get used to this!" She said, flicking her tail up and splashing the ground. "Yeah, and I don't smell at all!" Grunkle Stan said, heading back downstairs as the phone rang.

Dipper huffed and turned to Mabel. "Don't encourage him! Think about it, are you sure you want to spend your entire life in a bathtub?" Mabel smiled and nodded. "If it means I get to stay as a mermaid than yes!"


Dipper sighed and turned, trotting to the top of the stairs. It took him about three whole minutes to get down, but it was better then last time when he had travelled down on his butt. "Here." Grunkle Stan handed him the phone, which he held up to his ear. It felt a bit weird, but he got used to it.

"Hello?" He asked, raising his eyebrow as he waited for a reply. "Um, Dipper? Is that you?"

It was Wendy. It took him a second to realise, since her voice was a little deeper and hoarse. "Wendy? Is that you? Are you okay?" Dipper asked carefully. "Ah, know how yesterday you said something about the water being cursed?" Wendy's tone sounded suspicious. "Um, yeah." He replied, waiting for what he knew he was going to hear.

"Yeah, well, I think I know what you meant."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2015 ⏰

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