Intro: Welcome to Thursday... I think

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It's Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, February 9, 2018. Stephen Georg is currently filming Day 2999 for StephenVlog, and he is a lot less energetic than he would usually be in the afternoon.

"Hello everyone, and welcome to Wednesday. N-No wait, it's... Thursday. Yes, welcome to Thursday. Ffff- augh..."

Stephen massages his temples a bit. He wouldn't like to be vlogging right now, but he wanted to get a few things off his chest.

"So, um, for the past few nights, I've been having... weird, uh, dreams? I don't know how to say it, because I don't feel asleep, but every dream I've had has me walking in... space? Was it space? Anyway, there was definitely a huge light at the end, and every time I get closer there's... like, oh God, what did it say? There was a voice that said something... but I can't remember what. All I remember is that each night, I get closer. To the light, I mean."

Stephen pauses for a break, then continues.

"And apparently, whenever I dream that dream, it doesn't actually count to how much I slept. At least, that's how I'm feeling right now. It's also why, for the first time in... how many years was that? Anyway, it's why I'm doing a white undervlog- tch, undervlog, white undershirt vlog today, or at least until I get better. Hopefully, things get better by tomorrow."

With that, Stephen stopped the recording, and went to bed.


"Stop right there!"

"H-Hey! You can't just ignore us like that! Get him!"

"What the hell's with his eyes? Or... all of him, really?"

"Wait, what's he- GAH!"

"Mmph! Mmph! HRRRR-"

The area is a city. Its name and state location is irrelevant, and so is the date and time.

All it wants to do is to find Tyler Sederwall. But as of now, it can't even figure out where either of them are. Right now, all it knows is destruction.


(Man I can't even write more than one page for an intro. I'll see if that improves over the chapters.)

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