Interlude: Nightmare (2/9/18)

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"I have no idea where this is."

The setting appears to be space. The date and time is irrelevant. At least, Masae believes it is. What matters to her is the path in front of her.

Slowly, she walks forth into the distance. What lies at the end, she cannot tell.

Which is kind of a problem because she's really freaking far from the end.

"You can't be serious."


"Of ALL the things that could be at the end, a mirror. Is that supposed to be symbolic of something?"

Masae taps on the glass, watching curiously as her reflection taps back.

"Uh, hello? Is there anything beyond this mirror?"


Suddenly, the mirror shatters, and a hand reaches out.

"Oh crap!"


A sword materializes in Masae's hands!

"What? Why do I have a sword?"



Reflexively, Masae parries the oncoming attack, sending her foe reeling from the knockback.

"Alright, I'm still alive after that, and that's good. Who's attacking me, anyway?"

Slowly, she gets a clearer view of her opponent. It appears to be... a woman that appears to be pure black with a purple outline, which for a reason she cannot fathom extends to her clothes. Her eyes glow white, with no pupils.

"Funny how she kinda looks like me, and... is that a sword she's sheathing?"

"I will end you!"

Instinctively, Masae holds up her blade to prevent her stomach from being slashed.

The shadowy clone instead slashes at her knees.


Masae collapses on the ground, swearing through her teeth as pain overwhelms her. Even so, she still has the strength to look up as her assailant closes in on her.

"O-Okay, who or what are you?"

"You will know in time, Shauntelle."

"Call me Masae. Also, you never answered my question."

"Quite persistent, aren't you? Because if you plan to extort information this way, you won't be getting it now."

"I just wanted a straight answer-"

"Remember your training."

Masae suddenly feels a sharp pain in her abdomen, and her vision fades to red.



Masae wakes up with a start, sweating profusely and with shallow breaths.

"...Oh. It was a dream. Which may or may not be symbolic. Because for some reason there's a FREAKING SWORD RIGHT NEXT TO ME."

"Um, Masae, some major shit's going down at the coast. I wouldn't worry about the sword unless it can deal with it."

"Why are you being so calm about the sudden sword appearance, Mom? And... stuff of what variety?"

"I don't know, but I'm pretty sure it's bad. Mentioned something about looking like a... Metal... Gear... RAY. Dunno what that is. But it's bad."

"...I'll go ask my friends."


> tfw I don't know how to end an Interlude without being too wordy

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