Shadow Gear RAY (Day 3001 - 2/11/18) [Part 2]

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The explosions rocked the area for miles.

Masae just had the ground beneath her blown up by a barrage of missiles, sending her flying into a clock tower.

"Agh! What-what the frick?! It can DO THAT?!"

Irritated and surprisingly relatively unharmed, Masae quickly grabs onto the RAY's heat blade mid-swing, allowing her to get some solid footing on the blade.

"Let's see you handle THIS, then!"

Angered, Masae runs along the blade of the RAY, slashing rapidly along the width before finally cutting it off, keeping her balance on what was left.

"Ha! Who's laughing now?"

The RAY, unable to speak, slowly regrows its blade from the stump.

"Oh, you're kidding- hey!"

The RAY had used its mouth to grab Masae by the foot, and tossed her towards the clock tower again, her flight abruptly halted by it.


Not to allow her to retaliate, the RAY roars loudly, a shadowy mass spurting out of its supposed plasma cannon, itself glowing red for no discernible reason.

"I-I can't move!"

And just like that, her world fades to black.


Masae wakes up on a grassy plain, near a rocky formation extending from the edge.

"Ugh... how did I get here?"

She slowly gets up, looking at the rocky formation.

"Uh... is that Prison Island? Like, the Xenoblade one?"

Confused, she starts heading out to the rocky formation, making her way up.

"Huh. This is EXACTLY like the Xenoblade Prison Island. Well, except for the lack of enemies on the way up. And the fact that I'm here already."

Masae stares at the shadowy woman in chains in front of her.

"...Wait, I'm already here?!"

"So you're finally here, right in my domain."

"Excuse you?"

The counterpart only smiled back, her mouth (or was it teeth? Masae couldn't tell.) shining a very constrating white. 

"Your left hand is broken, isn't it? Don't you worry, I can fix that!"

"What are you- oh."

Masae stares blankly at her mangled hand. When did that happen? Was it the RAY?

"I'm not sure I can trust the person who appears to be dark magic in human form."

"Have you even SEEN magic in your world?"

"...You look awfully familiar. Except you can't be who I'm thinking of. She used a lot less forced smiles."

"Do you even remember my first sentence? Point is, I'm the only one who can stop your friends from dying."

"What do you get from it?"

"Well, you're savvy enough. Let's remember that your best friend is terrible at fending for himself."

"Oh. So we're going there."

The shadowy mirror image of Masae has to stop herself from laughing. The deal being offered was bound to be sinister in nature, but she didn't expect it to be so... vague.

"Alright, fine, deal. Whatever."

"I knew you had it in you."

The world around Masae starts fading to white...


...and then to purple and black.

Well, at least that's what's surrounding her left hand.

"What the..."

She can feel the power coursing through her. She can single out the danger and whoever happens to be in its way. Emile.

"Time to die."

She rockets off the wall towards the RAY, hacking its blade clean off and landing right beside Emile.

"Get out of here."

"What happened to you?"

"You heard me."

Emile's feet glow blue, and he starts darting away from the scene. Say what you will about him, but Masae can at least admire his ability to do as told. Well, at least for now.

Before the RAY can grow back its blade, Masae rockets towards its head and starts slashing at it, so quickly the resulting shockwaves start damaging the road.

"We're done here!"

The RAY screams in an attempt to intimidate her, only to be cut short by her hand plunging into its shadowy head, ripping out a large mass of similar wires and crushing them.

As Masae lands on the damaged road, the purplish-black aura around her fades, and what remained of the RAY started to melt into the ground.

"Did... Did I do all that? Well, can't say I'm complaining."


"...the threat has been dubbed by the masses as Shadow Gear RAY."

"Good God! The vlog title thing appearing in front of my eyes is really annoying!"

Stephen sighed once again. He didn't want to crash into anything while driving just because someone said something he'd use as a vlog title in the future. And speaking of crashing into anything...

"Where are all the cars?"

"Huh. Now that you mention it..."

The ground shakes abruptly, but soon follows a rhythmic pattern, followed by a screech from behind. Stephen resignedly sighs.

"Son of a gun."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2015 ⏰

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