I See Them Coming...

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Boy Escapes from Abercoster’s: The search continues

A sigh erupted from Darren’s mouth as he read the newspaper article. It had been two days since October and Parish had escaped from Abercoster’s Institute for Troubled Youth, and he still hadn’t received word from them.

Before they’d run away from the clutches of the Institute’s Administrator, Dr. Pauline Larkson, they’d promised to contact him as soon as they were able to. Two days. It had been two days. Why hadn’t they called? He felt worry creep through his bloodstream as he desperately hoped that the two runaways were safe.

He’d been interrogated that night, the night the boy and the girl had leapt over the parapet and disappeared into the woods on the other side of the Institute. It had taken a while, but eventually, Dr. Larkson came to believe that he had nothing to with their escape.

But that was far from the truth.

He was the one who’d suggested the break-out in the first place. All because he couldn’t stand what his maniacal boss had planned for Parish and October. He was the one who’d given the boy the idea. And with the help of their friends Kara and Sid, the two of them disappeared without a trace.

And now, despite the relief he felt knowing that they were safe from Dr. Larkson, Darren couldn’t help but feel a heightened sense of worry for the two teens.

Had he sent them into more danger than they were in before?


Alright folks.

This right here is the sneak peak into the second installment of the "The House of Voices" series, I See Them Coming. See? I can keep my promises. I have no plans on uploading the chapters until July, however, so you guys are going to have to wait a little longer. 

I'm sorry to have to ask this, but I have no choice. Exams, are a real pain in the tushie, if you ask me.

Before I head out, I want to thank each and everyone of you that read, voted and/or commented on IHTC. If it hadn't been for you guys, I would have scrapped the story and October's tale would have never been told, so thank you. From the bottom of my heart.

Love you all, 


PS: If anyone's interested - I repeat. IF - , you could check out my Facebook page for Blog Posts and update news. I might post pictures of what I imagine October and the rest of the gang look like :)

The Coming | The House of Voices #2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن