Chapter One - The Witch ( Emma's P.O.V )

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  • Dedicated to For my family who has never given up on me

Emma's P.O.V

Yes, I'm the witch in the dark forest, but it's not necessarily my fault. I mean my parents wanted to have me, I was just there in a stomach, you know. I mean seriously, these people seriously need to think some times. Ok so thank you for listening to my little rant. 

" Emma!" Mother yelled, she was on a stool taking care of my little brother, Gerard. 

" Yes, mother dear." I say, walking into the damp room. 

" I need you to go get some herbs for your brother, I think it might be a fever." She said while putting a hand up to my brother's forehead. 

" Where is father?" I ask. She frowned at that, but was still looking at Gerard. 

" He is out hunting for some deer," she whispered. I gasped.

" Is he mad? The deer belong to the king, we- we are just outsiders," I stuttered. She finally looked up at me, and came over to hug me.

" I know, but we need the food. You, and your brothers haven't ate nothing edible, so me and your father believe that this is best chance we got," she whispered in my ear, then pulled back," and plus it's not like the king actually counts the deer, he can't even count how many fingers he has on his own hand!" She exclaimed, it was true though. The king's mate died ten years ago, and well unfortunaly the king himself lost it. He went crazy, his only son has to rule the kingdom by himself, even though he hasn't been crowned king yet, he has to find a mate before he can become the king. I myself am his mate, but I'm not a princess. I'm a freaking outsider, I live in a small village near the castle walls, and near 'The Shadows' where I do my buisness. If anyone wanted to make buisness they had to actually go through the dark forest, and talk to me. Hey don't blame me, they call treat me like shit, I'm just respecting them with the respect they show me. Called revenge.

" Just, please take that nasty horse. I don't care, oh wait," she said, she pulled a couple of gold coins out of her apron pocket," here take these, oh and get something for yourself."

I smiled at her, and started walking out, but I turned around," Oh ya, mom, that nasty horse is named Bega," I then ran out the wooden door. I went to the barn, grabbed my cloak, and opened up the stable door. Bega is a grey Pegasus, but because of my magic I'm able to disguise her as a grey Arabian horse for regular wolves. Oh ya did I mention we live in a werewolf kingdom, the wizarding one was overruled by the demons, then the werewolves took down the demons, so the kingdom was the wizarding kingdom, and it has a couple of magic left in the air, and trust me. I still feel it, magic is like my energy, my blood. Without it I don't know what would happen. But I do have a wolf, just in my head, I can't actually turn. See my mom and dad are both werewolf, but my grandmother has the witch gene in her. That is where I got my powers, strange I know, but I love it. Grandmother passed away three years ago, I've missed her. She made me feel like I wasn't alone, I took over her 'business', and well enjoying it. So many people come looking for me for either a loved one, or fertility, even helping out a friend for a gift. These are the people who are brave and care for others, the others that want wealth or something evil, I turn down. But they try attacking me whenever that happens, which is pretty stupid. 

" Bega, we are going on a little trip! But it's no where special really, just going into the kingdom walls." I said shrugging, she stomped her feet, I grinned at her. I swung my leg over her back, and knocked my feet on the Pegasus's's lower body. Bega sped off, I gripped on  to her mane tightly. My body bounced up and down as she ran through the trees, dodging branches and rocks. The head of my cloak was teared off by the wind, showing off my blond hair, the lower part was flapping, and it looked like silver liquid. My bangs kept getting in my face, and I swung my head side ways. Bega stopped once we were at the gates that led to the kingdom. I jumped off her back, gracefully landing on my feet. I took her to a nearby tree where she could graze. Then pulled my hood up, and left her. 

I walked through the gates, nodding my head to the guards, but keeping my head down. Since it was dark out the torches were lit, and glowed. I passed by vendors who tried to sell me wool, dresses, swords, bow and arrows, and other stuff. I finally got to the herbs and let my hood down, and pulling my hair out of the inside. Letting my curls go free, the shop keeper smiled. I smiled back at her, and asked for the herbs that Mother needed. Paying the woman two golden coins, I tucked the herbs in my pocket. I walked back to the gates but something stopped me.

" The witch!" A man said, I froze. My back was turned away from the voice, I turned around and saw a man in front of a stick with straw stuffed clothes. I let out a gasp, how could he? He knows nothing about me, I have never seen the man in my life, and he treats me like this? He lifts his hand, and in it is a torch lighted with fire. The people are cheering him on, and when he litss the straw on fire it goes ablaze. Now I was furious! 

I stomped my way up the wooden make-shift deck, and stopped right in front of the man. I pointed a finger at his chest, and said," How dare you?! You treat her like this when she is no different than all of you?"

The man slapped my finger away, and retorted," How dare I?! That witch is a monster! Do you hear this my people, this little girl is defending this thing!" He exclaimed, the people gasped at that. I narrowed my eyes at him. 

" The only monster here are all of you bastards who treat a person like yesterdays garbage!" I yelled  at the mans face, everyone went quiet at my outburst. I turned back to the people," My people! Why would you treat a innocent lady like this? Is it because your jealous of her powers? Because this is not right! She has protected you people from the demons, and trolls! Why treat her like this?!"

A woman carrying a babe yelled back," Are king has been protecting us!"

I laughed at that," You mean the man who went crazy because of the death of his mate?! He is no warrior! He is a coward! And you are a fool to believe that he is brave!" I yelled back, the people gasped again, and mummers came everywhere. The soldiers came walking slowly, I looked to my left and to my right. Oh shit. I narrowed my eyes at them, and they fell to the ground crying. The people looked up at me frightened for their lives. I widened my eyes, the crying was still going on from the guards. 

" The witch!" Someone screamed, and that was my cue. I jumped off the deck, and dashed back to the gates, but some guards came running after me. I ran the other way, slipping through people. Then I bumped into a man. Sparks ignited when our shoulders crashed together. My eyes widened,  at the contact. No! Crap it's my mate. He put his hand on my arm, and searched my eyes. He had dark brown hair, and hazel eyes. And then I suddenly recongnized him. 

The prince.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2013 ⏰

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