Chapter 10 Tylers Funeral.

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"did you get rid of the bodies?" i asked huskully but curiously, in the way that makes most wemon fall for my charm.

"yes.." she whispered breathlessly.

"even the vampire boy..what was his name..?" i asked skepticully looking towards Julie trying my best to keep the grin off my face.

"tyler..? yes hes in the blood with the others" she miled at me in a clingy kind of way

 "good work" i said smiling.

i watched her eyes widen further and tears start to fall down her cheeks. before i knew it she was pulled out of my gaze and i didnt get to see anymore. the last thing i hered of them where their footsteps as they ran down the corridor.

soon my love...

soon you will be mine.



I sat straight up in my bed. sweat trickled over my body and heat touched my skin. its been like this for a long time now, since we found out the horrible truth. It was always the same, i would be in the canteeen again, with luke...and i would open the barrel, his head would float up to the top and smile at me. arms would reach out and drag me down into the blood, which would slowly turn to darkness and i would float alone.

looking around there would be nothing but darkness and there would be faint laughter somehere far away. it got louder and i tried to run away, but it was useless it followed untill it pulled me into a light. We where back in the cafeteria and tyler was in the room. no blood nothing, but he was about to open the barrel when there was a voice.

" glad you could make it"

the voice almost made me sick, neather of them noticed me, but the headmistriss walked out of the shadows into the room to see Tyler. she had something behind her back that she didnt show him.

"what did u call me out here for miss?" he asked curiously.

her smile widened, she knew why, and she knew what she had to do and she was happy about it, she had a blood thirsty look in her eyes, ready to pounce at any minute if the change was given, and she didnt look like she wanted to wait.

"oh..tyler...we have some important buisness to attend to..if you dont mind turning around"

he turned around and there was a shine in her hands.

The knife...

tyler!! look out!! look out!!! i yelled but he herd nothing and it was to late.

The headmistriss lifted the knife above her head and plunged it into the back of his neck. Blood splattered all over the room as she plunged it in, over and over again, She laughed hollowly as the blood just kept coming out of him, He screamed and cried for mercy, untill she stabbed once more and it stopped.

thats when i would wake up. the same way since that day. but its been 4 days now..and its time for his funeral. i climbed out of bed. the cool carpet was comforting on my feet as it tickled between my toes.

it was dark outside, like usual and i managed to pull a simple black dress out of my wrdrobe and headed towards the showers.

Eliza and Tanni where already dressed and looked at me as i walked into the room. Both of them gave me sad smiles as eliza slipped a pair of diamond earingings in her ears i gave her a few years ago. They both wore black simple dresses and hid sadness in there eyes as i put my clothes on the bench.

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