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Dear Fred,

I didn't know you all that well, Fred, and it feels strange being asked to write this letter. Your mum has always been kind to me and, in a way, I've always felt like part of your family. But it still feels like I'm intruding this time. I know the others have written letters to you; Ron and Ginny came to me in tears after the first ones. And I suppose you would like one from me and I would still like to write one to you. So here you go.

Things were never dull at the Burrow with you and George around. In the beginning you frightened me a bit; you're both very intimidating when you're together (which was always). The pranks weren't aimed at me, which I will be forever grateful for, but that doesn't erase the memories. Even though you made Molly shout, you always made us laugh. Pranking was what you lived for and it makes me sad when I see George. He never plays jokes now, just says 'you can't do tricks without your partner in crime.'

I remember one year he tried to do a small prank but he broke down crying. 'It's not the same,' he mumbled. 'Just not the same.' That was hard to see. None of us could bear it.

There is a space left behind in every sense of the word. An empty space in the family. An empty space at the dinner table. An empty space at the weddings and the celebrations and birthdays, and worst of all - a space next to George. That is the worst part; you two not being together. I may have lost my parents and I may have lost friends but I can only imagine what it would be like to lose half of your soul. It kills him more every day, and that makes it worse for the rest of us.

It's hard to forget and deal with when you lose someone. I have lost enough people now to know. You think you're over it and that you can finally move on but it comes back one day and hits you. They're not here anymore, and I'll never see them again. Not for the rest of my life. And I think that's how Ginny feels, and Ron too, because they still go to each other or come to me crying some nights.

I would say enough about the sad stuff and let's think of the good times but I don't think we need to. None of us will forget the good times, and I know you won't either.

Sleep well, Fred.


P.S: say hi to mum and dad for me. Tell them I'll see them some day.


I'm laughing about 'only imagine what it would be like to lose half of your soul" because of Voldemort.

I think that Harry would have missed Fred and wanted to write to him, too, and now he has. Hope you liked it and please and vote comment! I love it when you do. :)

<3 xo

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