Chapter 9: Uncovered

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Mirthe's POV

We were running through a white corridor. My side hurt a lot and I couldn't keep up with David. I heard footsteps behind us and shouting. I looked back and saw two of the doctors running towards us accompanied by three men in black combat gear. And guns. Wtf?!? GUNS!!! I looked down my green gown and saw that blood was slowly seeping through. Fuck. I can't keep this up. I turned to David and begged him to run, and just leave me behind. He was shaking his head, pulling me up and pleading me to run. Please David, just go!!!

Somebody was shaking me. I opened my eyes. Slowly I woke up. David held me by my shoulders and shouted "Wake up! Mirthe! Wake up!".

I slowly realized that that I was safe. Back, in a hotel. But I now remember everything. Everything.

I look in David's beautiful grey eyes. "I know how we met."

He looked surprised. "How?!? Where?!?".

"You burst into my recovery room, trying to hide for the guards after your escape. The white and sterile place that you remembered is a hospital in which we both were hold prisoner.", I said. He frowned. "Why can't I remember?". "I don't know, maybe they gave us something to forget it, eliminating all memories of the abduction.", I speculated.

"Obviously, I did not succeed in escaping.", he said. "No, we were caught because you refused to leave me behind." , I said angrily. "Do you remember where it was?", David asked. "No, but it was not in the Netherlands. Too many hills and the view from my recovery room was of one those pretty walled-in meadows that you have here in England." David frowned again. "But I woke up in Rotterdam, what was I doing in England then?", he asked. "I don't know." I sighted. "But the last thing I remember is that they injected me with something just before I was rushed into the operating room. After that a complete blank." "So I guess, you might have gotten complications, which resulted in you staying longer in the hospital than normal.", David said. "Yeah, that would give them plenty of time to transport you to Rotterdam.", I added.

"One more thing, I remember the faces of one of the doctors and a nurse. I think that they treated me back there. I also remember one of the guards that took you away.", I said. "We'd better tell Amy  first thing in the morning. We will see her at the hospital when he is scanning you." David said. "Maybe she could schedule a meeting with one of those police portrait artists, so that you can let them make a sketch of the people you remember.", David said.

I looked up. Why was he in my room? "What were you doing in my room anyway?" I asked David. He flushed. "I came in to check up on you and saw that you were having a bad dream." he stuttered. "And you mentioned my name", he blurted out.

I narrowed my eyes. Why was he blushing? Surely, he didn't creep up on me and watched me sleep...Nah, you are imagining things, Mirthe. The guy finds you repulsive. He asked you to cover yourself up, for crying out loud!

He stood up and gave me a wonderful view of his abs. He watched me akwardly and started walking towards the door to leave. I felt like such a coward, but I really didn't want to be alone. Before leaving the room he turned and asked me whether I was okay. "Frankly no.", I responded. He looked in doubt for a moment, and then he asked me "Do you want me to stay?". "Yes!" I answered before I could restrain myself. He sighted and walked out to get his bed linnens from his room. When he came back he was fussing around trying to rearrange the chairs so that he could sleep relatively comfortably in them. Which was obviously not going to happen. I felt guilty. I already costed him so much sleep. "You can share the bed, if you want to. It is huge and I am using only one side." I suggested, heavily blushing.

I must be losing my mind. Inviting a stranger in my bed.

Oh God, I hope he doesn't think it was a desperate attempt to seduce him. I looked down at my duvet, trying to avoid his gaze. I could feel him watching at me and after what seemed like a century he responded "That would be much more comfortable. Thank you."  He quickly jumped into the bed, keeping as much distance between us as possible. I sighted and wished him goodnight.

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