Chapter 20: Pigs in Space

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Aaron’s POV

I got into the metal pod and motioned Amy to come and lie next to me. This was weird.

A short while ago, I woke up in some sort of transport room that was completely made up of glass, wires and blinking lights. Very SF.

Amy was on the floor a few meters from me and after waking her we walked to one of the corners of the gigantic room where a door had appeared. A man came walking into the room and said that his name was Tate Muppet. Dr. Muppet was going to be my mentor for my time on the ship.

I fought hard to not laugh in his face. Poor guy; Dr. Muppet.

He had tried splitting us up, instructing Amy to wait for her mentor. I refused; no way I was leaving her behind. After he had tried to pull Amy away from me, I had broken Tate the Mentor’s nose and Amy had knocked out the poor security girl that rushed to his help after he alerted the guards. Amy had injured her hand when she smashed the poor girls face in.

I made a mental note of never ever being on the bad side of her.

Tate then went on a 15-minute rant about how we dared to behave so atrociously and that I destroyed his perfect face.

Amy commented that she thought it looked better than before and I think she made a mortal enemy out of him by that comment.

The bickering went on until at one point the intercom had cracked up and a tired sounding male voice had said “Oh for God sakes, give them one of the couple rooms. I have no time for this.”

Tate hissed, “Follow me and shut up. You really don’t want to make an enemy out of Zach., the ship’s commander.”

We shut up and followed the still pissed-off Tate to our quarters.

All the way there, the guy was holding his head up and squeezing his nose to avoid making a mess of his uniform.

What a pussy.

He ushered us into a tiny en-suite flat. The smaller room had a twin bed, two lamps on two small tables, an alarm clock and a closet. The bigger room had two couched, a television, a bookcase and a desk and a chair. In the corner stood two large identical metal shiny pods.  I hated to think I was going to spend the rest of my life in here.

Tate motioned to the pods and told us that they were the access to the VR environment in which most of the travellers were hooked. The environment was created to mimic life on Earth.

“Just lie down in the pods and they will automatically upload you to the hub of the environment; the city of hall of this ship, the Queen Elizabeth. On the left side of the hub, just follow the signs; there are terminals where you can look up the current position of people. These terminals also offer other information, such as how to build your own accommodation or business in the VR, or how to travel. Amy, your mentor will contact you in the VR, he is currently in a meeting. Have fun children, I will contact you, Aaron, when your shift starts.  Now, if you’ll excuse me, I am going to tend to my nose” Tate said while he glared at Aaron.

“Wait, what? What shift?” Aaron asked him.

“According to my information, you’ll be working on the development of the virus and the pods in the science lab in the hospital. 40 hours a week. Welcome to the staff.” Tate grinned as he walked out of the door.

“What about me?” Amy yelled to him.

“Don’t know. Not my problem!” Tate answered from outside our quarters.

Amy looked at me worriedly. “Okay, what now?”

I shrugged. “Let’s do what he said.”

I helped Amy in the pod and positioned myself in the other.

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