part -2-

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this part is like the second chapter from ''Two Days For The Main Event'' so dont get confused....or maybe u guys aren't confused.....


finny's pov

i dropped on my knees crying 'why did i fail my lady?' i didn't even get to know her but i knew at that moment we were friends then i looked up seeing men coming between me and the lady, i stood up facing down the floor. I felt anger rising to the top of my head and i looked at them they all stopped in fear then backed away a little. Just in that moment i went rampaged and went toward them like an rhino, of course they all shot me trying to slow me down to have an advantage to kill me, but killing one of my friends from ciel i would never die. I took a few down, some ran away yelling hes a monster and such then there was one man left, i picked him up slowly and i could tell there was fear in his eyes, i lifted my fist and was bout to drop it down but i got stopped by ''that's enough finny'' Sebastian said as he let go of my arm that was about to burst the heads man off! I was on my knees about to cry. As Sebastian talked to the feared man telling him questions and what not, he said that they were trying to assassinate Ciel phantomhive.

_____ pov

The pain was too bearable to stand, my ears felt like i couldn't hear anything but muffle sounds. The muffle sounds seem to grow bigger like if someone is talking to another person, i wanted to hear but my ears felt like blood was spilling out of them and hearing that awful screech is so annoying. i was breathing so heavily my throat aches for water. i couldn't speak but managed to say what i wanted ''w-water'' the muffling conversation stopped and i felt a hand on my cheek. The hand if felt kind of warm. Once i lifted up my eyes i saw pitch black, i put my hands up to my eyes and felt a rough kind of cloth covering my eyes. ''Don't worry _____ we will get that bandage of of you soon'' a voice said it to my left. ''Oh dear do not fright Mrs_______ you will be fie soon'' that voice was so warm an heart caring i relaxed a bit from it when i panicked before i saw pitch black into my eyes. Then a muffled sound came again a conversation but i can tell it was a bit far from where i am. That's right where am i? I can tell i am in a bed, maybe an infirmary because i heard doctor somewhere in the muffling conversation. ''Sebastian find the person who is trying to kill----'' i couldn't hear anything else but that. Where they trying to kill poor ciel! Then i heard a door swung opened with a bang ''LET ME GO-- SEBASTIAN I'M SORRY MASTER I'M SORRY I'M SORRY ______ I DIDN'T MEAN THIS TO HAPPEN!'' that voice sounds familiar ''Finny please calm down this wasn't your faul--'' ''IT WAS, SEBASTIAN, PLEASE MASTER FORGIVE ME'' ''Calm down finny! Baldroy, Mei rin please put finny to his dorm we have a patient!!'' Those voices they get mixed up i can't tell which is which but that sad lonely voice ''f-finny?''i said weakly. No more muffling sounds or screams just quiet then i felt a tight hug from someone, whimpering ''sorry, IM SORRY!!'' The tightness of finny is really hurting my wounds but ( I'M A MAN!! sorry XD ) i can handle it. ''S-sir your making her stitch-!'' I managed to lift my hand out of the strong grip of finny's hug and place it right were the voice was coming from. Then i try to find finny's head, once i found his soft hair i petted it softly. I coughed and finally spoke fluently ''F-finny it's alright, it wasn't your fault you tried to save me. And i am thankful-'' ''NO, NO I GOT YOU HURT ________ IT WAS MY FAULT YOUR HURT-'' ''finny'' i interrupted ''the only thing mattered most to me was that everyone was safe and not injured or hurt at all'' my voice cracked after that.

             When that scene was over, i heard finny and the rest out the door but i felt like someone was still hear with me, could it be Sebastian, no ciel sent him off somewhere. My voice is cracked i can't call for help. I know there is someone here i can feel one of there hands on my leg. ''well this will be hard to do my master said to pick you up, your a very lucky one'' That voice.. it's scaring me ''hmm which one would you prefer well maybe silver or gold would suit you''

Sebastian X reader X ClaudeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang