Game Over

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''Reached the best!''

Ciel: ''You said that last ti-''


Ciel:'' least i didn't get rejected by someone...''

''Fuck you''


Y/N P.O.V.

I nodded to every shocking disbelief i hear in Mei'rins mouth. I couldn't believe that im in the game, was that what Ciel means that im the host of this...Mei'rin spoke ''Miss we must hurry to join in..'' I nodded shakenly. Getting up from my chair readying to what's about to come.

Snake P.O.V



While i was done dressing up it was a red silky dress. It fit me perfectly stated Mei'rin, i got out while Snake...the other snakes left to go back to Ciel also stated Mei'rin (STOP WITH THEM STATINGS...). Mei'rin went up to the stairs then i went up the stairs next. I had to catch up with Mei'rin because of how i got lost very fast, luckily it wasn't very long until i found Mei'rin and Snake into the halls. I looked back seeing the secret door camouflaged with the cover of the Mei'rin spoke in a whisper ''we must hurry my lady'' i nodded in agreement, Snake also nodded and left into the darkness. Mei'rin whispered in my ear ''if you are ever caught scream out 'she's over there!' got it my lady?'' To think that this game might be scary, i nodded. I look out the window and saw it was still night. I can tell there was candles lighted around the hall and the ball room. I know that Mei'rin told me about the ladies that are helping me out and protecting me, but from who and what? I wanted to day something but she was already gone. I guess this is where it begins.

I started to roam around, i was in the ball room and many women were there. I didn't linger too long as some of the women were giggling running away from men trying to catch them. What type of game...As i head up to the stairs a man blocked my way, my head was down and i don't want to look up at all. I started to mimic the girls laugh as if to tell him I'm not one of them. He then passed by me hitting my shoulder. 'That easy?' i thought. I looked at his way and he looked at my way. Those golden eyes....don't tell me! Our eyes were locked 'bullocks stop staring at his eyes!' I turned away a little flushed, and started to go up, but i felt a cold hand on my wrist. I looked back and he was grabbing me, i started yanking but his enormous strength did not let me go. He went close to me, holding my waist tightly with his free hand and smiled. I giggled again nervously, but his smile grew even bigger. ''I found you mi'lady~'' Claude could not stop smiling and was leaning close to my face. I yelled out ''SHE'S OVER THERE, SHE'S OVER THERE!!'' Claude jumped back a bit as he never thought i would say random words. He shrugged it off and started yanking me where Ciel is.

'WHERE IS MY BLOODY HELP!!' i thought. I looked back at the ball room and to my astonishment the ladies were gone. I then got pushed off, as Claude's grasp lets go of my wrist. He was focused on something else. I wanted to see who it is but many ladies started to jump around me if they were doing a ritual, they couldn't stop giggling, mei'rin as well. I started to join them giggling. Claude looked back and pushed every girl out.

Claude's P.O.V

I was walking through the halls, some girls giggling but I knew it wasn't her. However it was hard to find her as I have seen the same women as before. I would tend to look back and see them following me and doing there giggling louder and louder, so much of annoyance, luckily Hannah is in this so it would be a much of ease to finally find her however talking in Hannah in secrecy that's a different story including that she hasn't been in contact with her during all this. I was walking down the hall and bumped into someone, she giggled and i passed her. Why was she looking down...i turn to face her and she looked right into my eyes. Those eyes of shock and question. Her giggling started to act up again so i played around her little game. I lowered down a few steps down then turn my body around grabbing onto her wrists harshly with my beaming eyes of predator. However when i was about to turn her in she screamed out random words. I didn't quite understand why but i shrugged it off and kept going. Then all the ladies joined in pushing me away from her. I tsked in annoyance then saw Sebastian in the end of the hall smiling. That rat! His plan was to protect her. My hand slipped out then i spunned around looking into the girl group. As they all giggle and moving away slowly i left them there and kept staring at the rat.

"So that was your plan" Claude spat

He smirked "Glad to see your enjoying the game" he walked slowly towards me

Claude threw a golden knife past Sebastian head cutting a piece of his hair and hitting the wall.

Sebastian chuckled "Well clearly you have no manners" Sebastian took out silver knives as well.
Claude smirked. As they both clashed together with there silverware. They took there sweet time. Ciel then burst out "Sebastian stop!" Sebastian gasped lightly as he doged another attack from Claude as he got a cut from his face. Claude chuckled as he landed gracefully and put back his knives into his pockets. Ciel tsked as Claude passed him with a smirk "I enjoyed the game Sebastian".

Sebastian P.O.V.

Claude was out of my view. What was he hiding, in the battle he didnt seem to be in annoyance..."My lord-"

Ciel interupted "Alois Trancy's servants caught her"

I shook my head "Impossible Mei-"

Ciel spoke again "Shes injured as Hannah was in this as well and heard from the other women about the mission. The triplets were in the game as well as Hannah was trailing behind her all this time. And left a mark on her then targeted Mei'rin. While the triplets got her because of the mark..."

I....can't believe this.....

Your P.O.V. (How you got captured)

The ladies nodded as they dispersed again and Meirin holding onto my arm. Then a women passed by me and gave me a red cloth to my hand. I looked at the cloth as it said 'The mark' I was confused until i turned around and saw Mei'Rin on the floor being dragged into a room she reached out to me "Run Mi'Lady!" I gasped and i ran for my life "She's-!" My mouth was covered as one purple hair guy with a tuxedo suit looked to me and putting one finger to his lips. Then another two grabbed hold of me. They grabbed the cloth and paper and smiled to each other nodding. They dragged me into a room. It was the guest room and the launched me to the bed.

(WARNING RAPE IS IN THIS..Its very short though)

I kicked one of them to the stomach as he didnt react a thing. Wait i just realised that there triplets. "L-let me go!" I screamed. As one of them jumped on me. There crotch was on my stomach. They all put white gloves on. My eyes widen as i felt that something was slipling under my dress i strangled my self pushing the ontop of me as he was sliding his hand down my chest. I screamed until the one ontop of me shoved the red cloth into my mouth. And my arms were tied upwards by his tie. The other one looking into my dress and the other slipping through. I breathed heavily as one of them hit my area. And i started to tear up shaking. The two smiled at each other as one of them spread out my legs as i hear a rip in my dress. The one then rubbed me up and down on my panties as i arched my back and tried closing my legs. How strong are they?!?! The one grabbing my chest ripped my top part seeing a lingerie red bra and ripped that one too as he fondled them i was screaming in agony. As the bottom one was about to slip in a lady came in and snapped her fingers her voice was soft. I was just happy that someone saved me.

"Thats enough playing....remember what our master triplets hold her down.." the needle looked familiar i shook again knowing who she was. She injected the needle into my neck and i was in control again. My mind was blank and so was my eyes.

Game was over.


I know this took long to update but i hoped you like the meh rape. I just want to make it spicey until the end. I will still update however it may also take a long ass while. I hope you guys enjoyed and ill update another sooooooooooon(?)

Sebastian X reader X ClaudeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora