Chapter 1 (A Hunter)

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I pulled up my sleeves as I took my gun out. It had silver bullets and dents from all my past battles. I was in a tree and ready to kill. It was bright as the sunlight shown in.There was a werewolf and vampire about to kill each other. 

Vampires don't burn in sunlight like the myths say. They hate the sunlight though. Werewolves hate vampires and likewise because of how they both act to each other. One speaks arrogant and the other starts to do it too and then they start hating each other. It's stupid. And, I bet people have to agree with me on that. They were friends a long time ago but... It was a long time ago. 

They weren't fast in killing each other so I stepped in. They turned their heads to me.

"Hello. I didn't mean to intrude but, I needed to kill you fast." They glared at me then looked back at each other.  The hatred in each others face made it's way and they nodded. 

"Your teaming up? That's a first." They usually hate each other so much that they would fight first then try to kill me, but they always failed every time. They started running at me at full speed trying to kill me quick. I ducked when they tried to grab me. I turned around fast and grabbed the vampire by the wrists. He flipped though the air and pushed me down.

I got out of the way with his arm still in my grasp. He slammed to the floor and in that time the wolf lunged at me. My gun was still in my hands and I shot him in the leg. He whimpered and fell to the floor. He turned back into a human and went unconscious. The vampire striked back and turned into ash when I struck him with my sword before he could touch me.


"Spill mutt." I said, wiping my knife from earlier. I burned the ash from the vampire earlier and carried the wolf into my temporary home. I locked him in a silver jail cell with silver restraints so he didn't try attacking me outside the cell.

He growls. "Like I'm saying anything!" He was acting strong, but I knew he was scared. Because he found out I'm the most feared hunter... In the world. It made me happy and I was happy I could tell people that.

"Then I'll just come in and force you." I said. Trying to act mighty, everyone does that when I kidnap them. But, it soon goes away anyway. I come in the cell and come close to his face.

"I need to finish this quick filthy animal. So talk and this'll end quick alright?" I whispered slowly. He gulped, but still didn't say anything. I stabbed him in the leg and backed away. He grunted.

"Speak!" I shouted. The sound resonated in the cell. He nodded quickly and told me everything. Once he finished it went quiet.

"Thank you, but you won't need it because soon you'll be in hell. Wishing you never met me. Or being in this stupid mess anyway." I smirked. His eyes widened and looked down at his chest. I had thrown a silver knife in his heart.

"Bitch!" And with that he died.

I made sure with that and called my friend. He's a Scavenger. Scavengers hunts for missions for hunters like me. Hunters usually go to different Scavengers every time they finish a mission to get more rewards and kills but, he's great. I'm his costumer and he's my provider. Also, we work great together so it's a plus.

"Hey Lil." I say. His names Lilth Mark. But I call him Lil. He calls me Jes. Even though we're close friends we promised each other to not talk about our past to each other. So really, we don't know much about the other but, were friends now and that's all I need.

"Hey!" He says. " That was faster than normal, Jes! New Highscore, Nice!" He keeps a clock running because he times me In case I slow down or accidentally get hurt. Which is impossible.

"Did I?"

"Yeah and I already sent the money!"

"Great. About the information," I told him what I got.


"No problem. Alright, I gotta go. I think I'm going to take a break for a few days."

"Ok! I'll call you back in-... 3 days!"



"Bye." I look at the dead body sighing. I felt tired after not sleeping for about a week. I had killed a lot too. After I clean up everything that needed to be done, I drove home.

_ _ _

It had been longer than normal since I have been home. I liked it since it looked pretty and different from any other home. The smell had stayed the same as lavender engulfed the air. Nothing in my house has changed. 

Since it was now dark I decided to go to bed. I went to bed with weapons surrounding me. I always have weapons there. Just in case. I slept soundless like usual and was filled with darkness.

_ _ _

I woke up. I called the vet and told them I'm coming. I have to go to work today. My body doesn't get sore easily since I'm a werewolf and human. When I was little I had to do very harsh training which involved me to feel worse everyday until now and sometimes I still do training which I have to do for dozens of hours until I feel like I can't move anymore. 

I got ready with my weapons under my cloths to leave and get my car keys. I'm out the door and into the car in seconds. I drove for about 10 minutes and I enter the building. I put a coat on which was layed out for me by the assistant veterinarians. I went to a door and entered my password and went in the door. There was my friend named Krystal and a puppy she was feeding in her arms.

"Hey Krys." I wave to her. I called her Krys for short.

"Hey! I've been waiting for you! Isn't he cute?" She hugs me. And starts to feed the puppy again.

"Yes he is. Now, where are the-"

"They're in the room. I was going to call just 20 mins ago. But, you called just in time!" She shouted the last part.

"Okay," I opened the door. "Who are the Patie-" I went quiet.


Hello everyone! Thank you for reading my stories! I'm really thankful! I brang my sister to read this chapter and she said it was okay. I tried my best! So I hope you guys like it! 

Also this is my first time so... Please comment if you liked it or not... Since my older sister said I sucked even thou-

I did not say you sucked!

Yes you did! 

No I didn't!

Well you clearly said " This really sucks! Haha a hunter? Vampire? Werewolf? Even witches? O.M.G. Ehehehaahahahah!!! So Funny!!!"

I was joking, can't you take a joke!

You know I'm serious with my books!

... Really? You pretty much suck at everythi-


What are yo-


Stop cryi-


OKAY! I'M SORRY! Dammit! So Shut u-

Okay! If you-

Wait What are-

Like it PLEASE









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