Day One (Prologue)

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This was Gerard's first day teaching and he's somewhat nervous. He knows that the day will go fine but what if the kids don't like him? What if the other teachers don't like him?

Gerard had a bunch of "what-ifs" floating through his head as his cat, Sugar, meowed.

Gerard had gotten Sugar on his twenty first birthday. He named her Sugar because she had gotten into the sugar bag and he was surprised. He had accidentally yelled "sugar" and the cat responded to that so the cat was called Sugar.

He tightened his tie and put on his shoes. He grabbed his work folder before looking in the mirror once more, running his hand through his lemony yellow hair.

"Goodbye Sugar. I'll see you after work," Gerard sighed as he opens the front door of his apartment and closed it behind him.

Well, today was going to be a fresh start for the twenty four year old named Gerard Way.

He entered the school doors and smoothed out his blouse with his sweaty palms. He was nervous and that was for sure.

"How may I help you?" The counter lady with the high pitched voice calls out, taking Gerard by surprise.

"Oh, uhm, I'm starting a job here? My name is Gerard Way?" Gerard had managed to get out before reassessing the work folder in his hand.

"You don't seem quite sure of your own name," the lady giggled and had a slight blush crawling upon her cheeks.

"I'm Gerard Way. I'm teaching art, right?" Gerard asked as she typed in some words and nodded.

"Yes, you'll be working in the art department. Your aid is Frank Iero and your room is number 249" the lady said, focused on her computer. She could be checking FarmVille for all Gerard knew.

"Thank you," Gerard said.

"Oh," she giggled for the fifty millionth time. "It was no problem. If you need any help, you'll contact me, yeah?"

"Uh, sure," Gerard said as he waddled down the halls looking for his classroom area and then realized that his room is on the second floor. The 2 in his classroom number signifies second floor. Oh, he felt like an idiot for not knowing this earlier.

He waddled up the stairs and found his room number, walking in and seeing a visibly short man covered in tattoos sitting down.

"Fuck," Gerard thought. "This man is attractive." Gerard, of course, didn't say that out loud but oh well.

"I'm Frank Iero and you must be Gerard Way," the man said in a semi-deep voice. Gerard just nodded, gulping.

"Well, this is your chair," Frank gestured to the chair beside him.

Gerard tried to give his best strut towards the chair but ends up looking like those seven year old wannabe models "walking down a runway".

A lemon all of a sudden rolled in the classroom and landed on a chair.

Then, about thirty more joined in, filling the seats.

"Uhm," Gerard whispered, looking at Frank. "These are lemons."

"Yeah," Frank nodded. "And you and I are human. C'mon, the bell just went off."

"I'm supposed to teach lemons?" Gerard asked with wide eyes.

"Yes. Now call role. I'm starting to think that you're not right in the brain," Frank whispered.

Gerard was not wrong in the brain so that must've meant that he was right in the brain, right?

"Julie?" Gerard cleared his throat and his heart almost stopped as one of the lemons talked.

"Here," one of the lemons said in a feminine voice.

"W-what?" Gerard didn't know what else was going to happen. Maybe a unicorn would fly in through his window?

But he didn't know that his brother was going to visit soon so let's keep that a secret.

"W-will?" Gerard called.

"Here," a very bored voice came from the back.

Gerard called role and he couldn't believe that lemons were talking back to him.

"So, t-today we will learn the history of Van Gogh," Gerard said, wanting to go back home and forget that lemons talked to him.

Gerard didn't know. Maybe he was hallucinating? Yeah, that had to be it.

But he wasn't hallucinating. He was having perfect vision.

So Gerard talked about Van Gogh and almost bursted out laughing because he couldn't believe how crazy this was. These were lemons, for fucks sake.

The bell rang, dismissing the students out to lunch.

The lemons rolled off their chairs and rolled their way out the door.

"So, what do you think?" Frank asked, half smiling.

"Well, I think that I'm going crazy. Lemons are inanimate objects! Lemons can not talk! It's impossible!" Gerard started laughing at how crazy this was because, fuck, this was crazier than the time that he walked in on Mikey dry humping a unicorn stuffed animal.

"Nothing's impossible, Gerard," Frank stated sternly.

"But this is far beyond impossible! Lemons grow on fucking trees," Gerard pointed out where they came from.

"And we are conceived by our parents having sex and then we grow in our mother's womb! I know where lemons grow, Gerard," Frank sighed. "I thought you were going to be smarter than this."

The bell rang again and the lemons rolled into class.

Gerard felt as if he was going to have a breakdown. These are fucking lemons that he was teaching. Like, what the actual fuck?

It had been at least three hours before the bell rang for lunch and Gerard didn't know how the time went by that fast.

"Mr. Way," one of the lemons called out.

"May I use the restroom?" The lemon asked as the lemon had gotten Gerard's attention.

Gerard was starting to feel sick to his stomach because a lemon was asking to go to the bathroom. Like, what's next?

"Uh, sure," Gerard said. He continued his lesson and the lemon had came back.

The bell had rang after four hours of breaking down for Gerard and school was dismissed.

So this class of lemons have English next so it's like block days but you have a class for one day and then you move onto the next.

"See you tomorrow," Frank said, leaving.

"Bye," Gerard said.

"They're fucking lemons, Sugar. What the actual fuck?" Gerard said to his cat. All the cat did was meow and purred.

His alarm rang for what time he has to go to bed so he got dressed in his little Star Wars pajamas and went to bed.

Can You Feel The Lemons? ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now