Chapter 1: First Encounter

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Chapter 1: First Encounter.

Lennons POV-

It's been one month since I've been here in Maine. I've got 2 best friends Ashley and Darcey. Right now I was sitting at a lunch table waiting for my friends to come back so I can get my food. I was saving our spots. I know exactly what I want but it will run out if they don't hurry.

Finally they are heading over here. They sat down and I quickly stood up. Right before I walked away I heard the school doors open. Everyone seemed to freeze.

I peered around the corner to see what got everyone's full attention. What I saw were three guys wearing sunglasses and leather jackets. The guy in the front was smirking like he just won an award.

I turned towards my friends and gave them a confused look.

"Who are those people. And why is everyone suddenly frozen?" I asked. They looked at me worried and quickly grabbed my arm and yanked me down into the seat. When I sat everyone seemed to start moving again. But they were quieter and more careful.

"Those are the school bad boys." Ashley said making me giggle.

"Bad boys? Really?" They both shook their heads quickly.

"Yes! The guy in the front that's Grey. He just got out of jail. And the guy on his right is Brody. And on his left is Chase. They are freakin hot but everyone is scared of them." Darcy said nervously.

"Oh whatever. I'm gonna go get my food now I'm starving." I rolled my eyes and got up and headed towards the line.

Finally I was next. The guy in front of me was slowly paying for his food. I looked around the room to see Grey coming towards me.

The guy finally paid and I was stepping up for my food. I wanted Pizza it was the only good thing this school has.

Before I could get what I wanted someone stepped in front of me. Rude they just cut me off. I looked up to meet a pair of Blue eyes.

It was Grey. "Umm excuse me but I was there first!" I said harshly.

He chuckled and looked down at me. "Ya but now I'm here." He said plainly. I growled quietly. He turned to the cafeteria lady. "I want the pizza." He said and she got him what he wanted.

"Last piece." She said sticking it on his tray. Last piece what? I wanted pizza. He went to go grab his tray but before he could I slid between him and the counter. I grabbed the tray and walked away. As I was walking to my table everyone was staring at me like I just shot someone.

I sat down next to Ashley. "Oh my gosh!" She screeched out. "I can't believe you just did that." She started squealing.

"He's watching you!" Darcy yelled pointing behind me. I spun around and saw him leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. He was smirking at me.

I rolled my eyes and turned back to my friends.

When I finally finished my pizza I decided I wanted an apple too.

"Be right back." I said standing up. I walked towards where the fruit was. I saw there was one apple left and I smiled to myself. Made it just in time. But before I could grab it a big hand gripped it. I looked up to see the one and only Grey.

I groaned out in annoyance. "Gosh you just like to take the last of everything don't you?" I said sarcastically. He smiled and threw the apple in the air and caught it.

"I get what I want." He said simply before walking back to his seat with his crew.

No he doesn't. I followed after him. When I arrived at the table his friends were smiling at me. I leaned over Grey and took the apple right off his tray. Then I bent down and whispered in his ear.

"Well you don't get it this time." I stood up straight and took a bite out of the apple. Then I walked back to my seat still eating it.

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