Chapter 1

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*Sorry i didn't update any i have to deal with school and work but i will try to write a little bit everyday and upload as soon as its done. I do not own any of the characters expect my oc's.*

Midnight hair and Icy eyes

"Is it just me or have these fights become a lot tougher while I was away."
Randy said while battling a robotic three headed snake.

"it's just you dude." Howard said as he watched Randy struggle with Mcfist's newest creation, all with enjoying some nachos.

"Howard that wasn't a real question and no offence but how would you know if these got tougher? Ninja kick!

As Randy shouted the attack, the robotic reptile moved out of the way, and used its tail to grab his foot and threw him to the ground.

"Well I do know that you being thrown to the ground is gotta hurt, yup looks like your gotta be feeling that in the morning." Howard said slightly chuckling from his friend's "little" situation. As soon as he was done laughing he went to go help Randy up but before he could even get close to him the snake had slammed it's tail down on the concrete surface creating a huge boundary line between him and the ninja.

The hissing coming from its three heads came as warning, saying that Howard would be his next victim if he didn't leave the fight immediately. Howard being Howard, told Randy that he would see him later at his house and quickly ran the opposite way of the danger wishing luck to the now bruised up ninja.

Randy, now face down on the broken street, heard a high pitched scream for help, quickly getting up he then grab the ninja sword from his suit and spirited towards the robot. Just before he could even use his sword on the sci-fi creation the snake had held up the hostage as a shield to protect itself from getting damaged, Randy then jumped back to avoid hurting the girl only to realize that he has seen her before.

Yes, he remembered that this was the very same girl from the airport yesterday. The same beautiful black shiny hair, her slightly taned skin, the same cute skull ribbon that was tied neatly in her hair, the only difference was the fear in her eye.

"I need to ask her why is the other half of her face is covered when is all over". Randy told himself as he stared at her now terrified face, fearing that if he did not think carefully he could put her life in more danger. As he stood there not moving a muscle, one of the robots heads charged at him seeing that he has lowered his defenses only for it to be a trap, Randy quickly sliced one of the heads off and used his ninja chain-sickle to wrap around the other two heads.
"Ninja kick" He yelled out as the giant snake flew backwards throwing the girl into the air before it crashed into a office building.

Randy quickly ran to catch the strange beauty before she could get injured, using his scarf he grabbed a hold of her waist and pulled her close to him and safely placed her on the ground.
"Are you okay? Your not injured are you?" He asked with a worried voice. The girl looked up to his face and stared at his eyes then quickly putting her head back down, her face was entirely red.
'She's so.......cute!' Randy yelled inside his head. As he looked back at her he then realized that he was still holding onto her waist and how close his face was to hers, he quickly backed his head away to give her more space.

"Um, thank you for saving me" She said as she looked up to face him with the blush still across her face. 'Her voice sounds like angels flying' Randy said as little hearts started to appear around his head. As she slowly slipped out of his grip his hands on her waist suddenly tightened around her again which startled her and made the red on her face even more red. Randy then noticed where his hands were and jumped back a good five feet from her. "Uh-i-well-ii-mean I didn't mea-" He was now really greatful that his ninja mask covered his whole face, which was as of now slightly pink with embarrassment.

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