Two days and fourty four minutes

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Author's note: Eppp. SO I haven't updated for a while >.< sorry! I wanted to thank  Free Your Glee for her consistent comments (Which really brings light to my motaviation) and every reader and person who favourited. If it wasn't for you guys there would be no story! Disclaimer: I do not own Glee


"Blaine! BLAINE!" yelled Trent, running into the room. He was panting and seemed to be in a crisis. Blaine was already feeling antsy and wondered if this had anything to do with it. He ran towards Trent and shook him a little. 

"What, What Trent?!" he said, biting his lip. He had his schoolbag slung across his shoulder and was picking on it in the last four minutes. When he looked up, Trent was still breathing heavily from running. 

"...Kurt..." gasped Trent, hands on his knees. Blaine's heart fell and he felt like he was going to fall over. Did they catch Kurt?

"What about him?" Blaine pestered. Trent signaled for Blaine to wait. 

"He's in the Westerville hospital. He hit his head and collasped in a dance studio nearby. " said Trent. "You should-" But Trent looked up to see that Blaine was already dashing out the hall, footsteps resounding. "-go."

Blaine felt his head pounding. Does that mean that it was an accident? Or did they find him? He felt despaired that he wasn't there to protect Kurt and barely held himself from weeping. He took a turn and dash out the doors that kurt and him walked through only a night before. He jumped into his car and drove, narrowly missing a car crash and speeding a redlight. When he arrived at the hospital he was faced with the reception. 

"Where's Hummel, Kurt Hummel?" he asked. He had both his hands on the reception desk and was looking at the receptionist with pleading eyes. 

The reception looked up and smiled. She clearly didn't realize that he was in a hurry. She took her time to flip her papers and Blaine pondered how long it would take dapper Blaine to wear out and faint. 

"Let me see- ah yes, Kurt Hummel. Who are you?" she asked, partly skeptical, partly interested. 

"I am-" Blaine began. What is he to Kurt? "Blaine Anderson. His friend."

The girl winked. "Well he's lucky to have you as a friend. "

"It's the other way around. Where is he then?" asked Blaine. 

"You know, I am single. " said the girl. Blaine scoffed and tapped his hand impatiently. She was getting on his nerves. 

"I am gay." he said bluntly. Even if he was bi, he was in love with Kurt, the guy that's dead out in the hospital right now. The girl's face fell, she looked irritated. 

"1034." she said coldly. 

"Thank you." Blaine ran up to the elevator. He barely remembered anything before getting to Kurt's room, and when he was there, he seemed to notice everything. 

The sound of footsteps. Oh, they were his. 

The bright light. 

The moniter beeping, assuring that Kurt was still alive. Blaine rushed over to Kurt's side and took his hand. In an instant he realised it was cold. He blinked and looked up, seeing the blood dried on his head. The wounds been cleaned. 

The next two days were spent with Blaine by Kurt's side, still holding on to his hand.During his time there, he noticed people come and go and talked to them. For example, Burt, Jeff and Nick, and finally, Cassandra. 

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