Getting personal

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Author's Note: Soooooo. Thank you 13emily1999, FreeYourGlee, and rachgonz92 for their comments and sticking through with me. My thanks also extends to everyone who had continued to support the story, through reading it, or favouriting. It's amazing to know how many people have read this story. Remember. You guys are the reason this story is here today, and for that I am really grateful. I'm just working off of the motiavation from you guys and Klaine. 

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee


"Kurttyyyyyyyy!" called Nick- who had been oddly clingy to Kurt for a week now. Kurt, who was sitting with Blaine, sighed as Blaine looked at him in exasperation, in return, Kurt shot Blaine an apologetic sideways glance. 

"Coming Nick!" said Kurt, moving over to his dorm door. Blaine and him were doing their homework- and he can't honestly say he appreciated Nick's interuption. Still, he made a promise to Jeff and he would keep it. Ofcourse, Blaine didn't know, and thought he did it all out of the good of his heart- and really, Kurt didn't bother to stop Blaine from thinking that, even if he could. He wasn't supposed to tell Jeff's secret anyways. 

Opening the door, he saw Nick in his pajama's with his pillow again. Kurt sighed, moving away to let Nick in. The said boy noticed Blaine, but he didn't seem to have processed the fact that they might be busyHe sat beside Blaine and moved over for Kurt. 

"Nick. He's my boyfriend, and you're being more clingy to him than I am." said Blaine, pouting and crossing his arms while furrowing his brows. He looked over to Kurt. "Tell him Kurt."

But Kurt was clearly not amused with this, he looked at Blaine, shaking his head with a raised eyebrow. Because Nick was in a emotionally fragile state, and it was clear once Nick started crying- running striaght into Kurt's arms. 

"Atleast your boyfriend spends time with you!" squealed Nick between sobs. Kurt looked at Blaine awkwardly before rolling his eyes. It's not the first time Kurt had to calm Nick down like this. Patting his friend's back while Nick held on to him- because it seemed to have worked so far- he hugged his friend back. 

Blaine looked away-still pouting with crossed arms- and huffed. 

"There there, Nicky. It's gonna be alright. Jeffy loves you. I swear, he does..." soothed Kurt, torn between wanting time with Blaine and calming his friend down. But right now- he just need Nick to let go of his death grip hold of him. 

"You promise?" whispered Nicky. 

"Yes." said Kurt, hoping this will be the end of it. 

"Okay." said Nick, finally letting go. Kurt sighed, patting the boy on the shoulder and kissing him lightly on the forehead. 

"Now go and sleep. " said Kurt. "It's already late." Nicky left with his shoulders slumped but listened anyways, leaving Kurt alone with Blaine again. 

"This is the fourth time today" groaned Kurt pretending to be much bothered,  trying to cheer Blaine up. Blaine continued to huff, until Kurt made his way over and held Blaine in his arms. 

"Come on. Don't be like that. You know I love you and want to spend time with you, but Nick-" Kurt hesistated. "He's in a fragiled state right now."

"So am I." said Blaine, looking at Kurt. Kurt laughed, but stopped when he saw the offended look on Blaine's face.

"I love you- and I spend more time with you then Jeff does with his boyfriend right now." Kurt sighed kissing Blaine on the forehead. Blaine gave up, turning to hug Kurt. "Think of him as our little boy right now."

"'Kay. But he's really annoying." said Blaine. Kurt smiled. 

"I know, but he's hurt. Neglected." said Kurt softly. Blaine looked at Kurt gently but with more seriousnes. 

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