21: Ready?

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Jen's POV 

After the premiere, we traveled to Louisville, Kentucky. That was earlier this morning.

"Hey, hey, hey Tay. Wake up." I said in a sing-Songy voice while shaking her awake.

"Hi," she said sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

"Are you ready to go?" I ask. Yesterday we packed and got all ready, we had to leave very early like 5:00am. It was like 4:30am.

"I thwink so," she says standing up.

"Alright let's get dressed and leave," I said when I was taking her out. I woke up about 4:00 am and was already ready. All I had to do was get her dressed and fed, simple right, not. It took a lot, when we went down for breakfast, I set her down, that was a bad idea. I had to look for her twice.

Eventually, we were loaded and pulling out of the driveway. I turned on the radio and "I knew you were trouble" by Taylor Swift came on. Ironic Taylor listening to Taylor.

We made it to the airport, I unloaded the back, then got Taylor out. This time I had to watch a lot more carefully, it was just me. I had all the luggage and couldn't carry or hold her hand. So before we got close to the doors, I explained to her why she should stay extremely close. And she did, we made it through the airport swiftly, only stopping occasionally for fans. I checked a bag and we went to security.

We got through petty quickly, next stop was some snacks then our gate. I bought some candy and water. We made it to the gate, and boarded shortly after.

We watched "The Little Mermaid" and took a nap on the plane. I was up and Taylor was still sleeping. I found this gossip magazine on celebrities, the s*** there was in that was hilarious. The pilot can over the intercom, and said we were getting ready to land, I reached over and buckled Taylor in, then myself.

After we got off the plane, I got a small rental car and drove to my parents' house. I put Taylor in the middle of the middle in the back, because I am just going to use an old car seat from Ben or my parents.

We pull up and my dad comes out and I gave him a giant hug. Then let Taylor out, and she did the same. But no one picked her up because we all know only me or Willow can carry her without losing our hearing. And sometimes Ben, I think, and maybe Josh. I carry Taylor in and Blaine and my dad bring in the bags.

I go to my bedroom, I have had forever, till I moved out. My parents haven't moved so all or our bedrooms are still intact. I am borrowing Ben's potable crib for Taylor, and an old car seat from my parents, I think it was mine at one time.

Currently we are all sitting around talking. I had to work at thanksgiving so I couldn't come then. Taylor and Cody are outside playing.

"What should we do tomorrow?" I ask.

"A giant game of beat each other with light-sabers," Blaine shouts, he may be older but he has a giant child side.

"No, let's play hide and seek," Ben says in a mature voice but no mature voice says that.

"No, no. One I am not beating up the kids and two last time we played with the kids it took two hours to find them," Jane says.

"Well that's true. But We could have one of us can hide with the younger ones, so we don't spend three flipping hours finding them," I say.

"That's a great idea," Jane says. She is nice but we bicker like sisters. It's silent for a while, the I speak up.

"Ooo, I have an idea, uh, we could go to the camp, Taylor hasn't seen any horses up close. Plus I really want to go back," I say standing up.

"Ok," everyone says nodding their head.

"Yeah," I say probably with way more enthusiastic then the others have. We go back to watching the news, I tune it out it is really boring. The kids come in when it gets colds. Taylor comes and curls up in my lap. Ben and his family leaves and I get tired and I bring Taylor up to bed with me.

Thanks for the 720 reads that's amazing. Thanks so much also for the 72 votes. Thanks a million. Please continue to read, vote and comment.

Edited: 9-8-16

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