The Jewel

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Lilith's appearance...
I am crazy, I am crazy, I am crazy. Those were my thoughts as I let myself sink into the water. My ears poped as it became harder to see. Then I saw the cave opening. Despite the burning in my lungs, I dove into it and tried to keep myself relaxed. Finally my head broke the surface. At that point I wasn't sure what surface, but it was one that contained air. Which was good enough for me.
"Welcome, Lilith Shackleton. It's seems you have followed my instructions" Said the silvery voice from my visions. Nolan and the others broke through the water. "Get them out and see they are properly clothed and fed" We were pulled out of the water by people dressed entirely in white. We were taken to separate rooms, it seems that the pool was just a fraction of the huge cave system. I was taken to a room where there was a bed and other necessitates. I dressed in a simple dark blue cardigan decorated with black lace, and lacey black tights and matching boots. I saw a knife in a sheath I felt inclined to put aeound my waist. When I was done, I wandered aimlessly around the cave system trying to find the creepy white woman. "I thought you might try to find me" She said. I jumped, and drew the knife out.
"Who are you?" I asked. She smiled.
"I am Clio, one of the nine muses. I am trying to protect you from death Lilith. I know all that has been, and I know how to defeat the fog" She explained.
"How do we defeat it?" I demanded. "How do you defeat the undefeatable?"
"Nothing is undefeatable Lilith. You should know that" She replied. I looked around, as I had the sense we were being watched.
"I know where you are Lilith, I will find you and the muse, you cannot hide from me. I am the undefeatable force of life" It was the dark voice, again.
"Lilith!" Said Clio. Bringing me back down to earth with her silvery voice, white and gold wings, and white toga, decorated with gold jewelry and her long, golden braid.
"He know where we are" I confided.
"Oh, that I know. But air here is created by my father, Zeus. He would never be able to poison that air" She explained.
"Okay. How do we defeat him?" I asked,getting back to business. I hold my paralyzed arm with my good one and try to move my fingers. Failing epically; it is never a fail without being epic.
"You have to find the jewel of light. It has been missing for millennium. The gods created it when they made the world. It was made to make a new world if this one got to dark. It is time it was put to use, and then hidden again. But there is only one who can stop them, that is you; Lilith Shackleton, you are the child of Prometheus, the saviour titan" She explained. I looked at her dumbstruck. "You should sleep. I can telly oh are tired" I obeyed and went back to my room, where I collapsed on my bed and fell into a deep dreamless sleep. When I awoke, I was freezing cold. So I pulled re covers over me and fell asleep again. But I awoke again, I wasn't sure what time it was until I saw a glow in the dark digital clock that read: 7pm. It had to mean 7pm the next day, because I was famished and parched. I got up and told the lights to turn on which they did. I told the door to open and it obeyed. Ahhh... Modern tech. I made .y way to the dining hall based on my sharp sense of smell.
"Lilith!" It was Flick. She wrapped her arms around me and I hugged back. "Clio told us everything about you. How are you feeling? You feel hot" She spoke so quickly I could barely understand her.
"No. I'm fine" I mumbled putting my good hand to my head and sitting down in a chair. I ate the food but it tasted like sawdust. Even though it looked like chili soup. I felt like I was suffocating on air. I was dizzy and slightly nauseated by the smell of food. My vision was slightly blurry and there was an annoying ringing in my ears.
"Clio-" I managed before I collapsed. I awoke in the infirmary two weeks later. Apparently, I was sick from exposure to the noxious gases of the fog. The others has experienced mild symptoms but I had been infected with a sickness it causes, it's basically bubonic plague, so it seems the fog wasn't kidding when it said that it was Plaugue, Ebola etc. They put me in an induced coma and gave me doses of antibiotics. I was now feeling much better but still refined to my bed until I felt stronger. My arm was also being tended to by the great doctors in the infirmary. I could eat proper solid food without being sick. But I was hardly out of it yet. Clio has been going through all her records and historic documents to try and locate the jewel, even gone so far as to have a meeting with her father. The jewel was buried in an ancient location, a cursed location as well: The tomb of the boy king Tut. We are going to Egypt on a possible suicide mission. Yay! (Sarcasm)


Sorry for the late chapter and it being so short, but the next chapter is longer and more exciting, this was more of an introduction where it explains the nature of the mist and the voices in Lilith's head. WARNING: There is a LOT more to Ilsa than meets the eye ;)

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