two; the art room

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The first time Eunmi saw him, she thought he was someone's younger brother, complete with fluffy black hair, pale skin and a babyface.

She observed the boy with her curious brown eyes, watching as he fixed his entire attention on the canvas in front of him, delicately moving his hand with every formulated stroke of his brush.

"You like art?"

Her fingers fidgeted nervously, stepping closer to him.

The boy looked up, his child-like eyes glimmered at her question and his lips curled up in a small smile.

"I love it."

The second time Eunmi saw him, she thought of him as the new student. Due to the certain event in the art room, she took a liking to this boy and learned his name and class.

This time, she found him under the shade of a tree in the back of the school, lying motionlessly. Without uttering a word, she gazed at his chest as it rose up and down in an alluring rhythm.


He lifted his arm off his previously covered arms and turned his head towards her, letting a lazy smile unfold itself on his lips.

"Good morning, Eunmi."

"You know my name?"

Promptly, he sat up, leaning on his right arm and squinting his eyes from the blinding sunlight.

"Of course I do. We talked a few days ago in the art room."

"Oh, so you remember?"

He nodded, and she smiled, for a reason she didn't know herself.

"Just so you know, it's 4 in the afternoon already."

Scratching the back of his head, he laughed nervously.

"So," she took a seat next to him, leaning her head against the trunk of the tree, "I know you like art. What else do you like?"

Again, he smiled, but this time, it was an amused smile.

"I like a lot of things. Puppies, art, food, sleep, music, Chanyeol and, " he tilted his head closer to her, "you."


In response, Eunmi tilted her own head back. Her mind seemed to have seized to function.

However, her expression turned to a confused one when Baekhyun burst out laughing. She made a mental note; it sounded like he was singing instead of laughing.

"Just kidding. Is that the first time someone has ever confessed to you? Your face looks cute when you're surprised."

"N-no, it wasn't!"


She quickly changed the topic, "By the way, who's Chanyeol?"

Staring up into the sky, he shifted his body weight from hand to hand and hummed for a while, carefully considering his answer.

"My best friend, but we don't talk as much anymore after I moved."


Eunmi then decided it would be worth it to spend her entire afternoon under the tree in the back of the school, talking to Baekhyun until she ran out of things to say, even if she couldn't quite comprehend the things he said, so she did.

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