Just like the weather.

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Bucky takes little sips from his hot chocolate, pretending it's Whisky or some other alcoholic drink right back then when he was sitting in a pub with Steve during The Cold War when he couldn't get dru...

No. Right back then when he and his little skinny Steve got drunk in a bar in Brooklyn, seeing Steve barely walking after his third glass. He got easily drunk while Bucky heard him things say, he'd never have expected to hear - especially not from Steve, but that's what alcohol did to him. He wasn't inappropriate, he was just cursing over some guys he'd got beaten up by this week. The Sergeant always smiled, hearing those stories while he was serving for America, he wasn't always able to look for Steve, that's what he hated. Every time after he came back, he saw bruises all over Steve. Steve didn't care though and all what James did was letting out a sigh. He didn't want Steve to end up in a hospital. He always wanted to serve for America, just like him. Like Bucky. They always disqualified him, that's what Bucky made less worried, but.. the dumbest idea that Steve ever had, was becoming Captain America, by so far. 

Although he'd saved him, who thought that his Steve would rescue him? Bucky knew he was up for something great anyway. He just couldn't believe it. But sometimes, he wished that Steve had never rescued him, so Steve wouldn't have blamed himself for not grabbing his hand tighter when he fell.

Steve always blamed himself when he looked at Bucky.. with his metal arm. It wasn't his fault at all.

After drinking a hot chocolate and staring out of the window for hours, he decides to watch TV, he has to catch up a lot of movies and TV shows. He wishes, he could do that with Steve.

But Steve is dead.

Sighing, he let himself fall onto the couch, putting the empty purple cup next to him on the table, looking for the remote control.

He feels really moody, just like the weather.

- Bucky doesn't move and doesn't switch on the TV either as he hears something in the staircase.

At 3 in the morning? The people who lived in this house were old, and some were patents with children.. and Bucky mostly woke up at this time, because of his nightmares.. this can't be right.

Bucky gets slowly up, not making any noise - hell, he was once an assassin he's good at this.

Taking a knife from the kitchen counter and slowly walking on his tiptoes next to the door, hiding in the edge of the room.

Someone knocked on his door, he wasn't sure if he should open it or if he should flee, because he still has the chance to get out of his apartment, to open his window and walk down the stairs next to the wall of the building. They're for emergencies, when it's burning somewhere, because there's no elevator. 

Okay it's dumb to take the elevator when it's burning, but..

Anyway, Bucky sees fire right now, deep inside of him. He's just so tired of the SSR, S.H.I.E.L.D, Hydra or whatever's left.

He just wants to live in peace and not serving for anyo-

"Mr. Barnes, I know you're home, you can't hide."

Bucky freezes, he was right. 

Should I say something? Should I flee? He will probably come back soon...

fuck it.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Grabbing the knife in his left hand tighter.

"I'm Agent Phil Coulson, and I want to talk to you, James."

"How am I supposed to know that you're not lying and attack me when I open this door? You have to gain my trust!"

"You could say I was a friend of Captain Rogers.."

"His name is Steven Grant Rogers. A Captain.. that's what you guys made him to! Didn't end so well huh?!"

"Mr. Barnes.. please open this door, it's important. I'm not here to fight, I didn't even take anything with me, not even a pocket knife. It's urgent."

Bucky slowly opens the extra locks from his door, still holding the knife in position. He has what people call 'trust issues.'

Bucky opens the door, checking the guy out.

He wears a suit, an expensive one which Bucky could probably never afford. He's slightly smiling and the man looks like he'd be in his 50s.

"May I come in?" asks the Agent, not sure if he's really welcome.

"Sure." Bucky says frowning and lowering the knife in his left hand. Making a kind of annoyed facial expression.

Bucky wants to be alone, or at least he wants to be alone with his old friend Steve.. seems like he can't have both.

Sometimes Bucky's like ; should I go out and check some women out? - Oh I can't, I mean how would they react if they see my wonderful metal arm. Should I bring up a lie? Or tell them the truth? ; Oh I lost my left arm when I served for Captain America, I feel down an abyss, but survived, because they did some experiments with me and an organisation named Hydra made me to an assassin, I almost killed Captain America but uh we kinda got friends like in our past.. 

Doesn't sound too bad if I don't go in details.. the Hydra and assassin part.. and that I was friends with Captain America, because they would feel sorry for me.. and uh.. let's just say I served for the army and my arm is Stark technology.

Sounds good. 

He sees Coulson slowly stepping in, watching every move and slowly closing the door behind him.

"Who sent you?" Bucky says grumpy.

"I'm my own boss. Nobody did, I sent myself here." says Phil grinning, knowing that he's right. He's his own damn boss.

"Interesting, what's the urgent matter?" Bucky asks, leaning himself against the door.

"We've found another infinity gem and.."

"I'm not gonna work for anyone anymore, I'm my own boss now." Bucky says with a clearly sound of sass in his voice. "So, you know that this feeling is great. Mr. Coulson. If you'll excuse me now,.." Bucky leans himself forward to not block the door and points a finger at it. "..I'll have to catch up some missed movies and shows over the last 70 years, there's the door. You can leave, I'm not interested in working for S.H.I.E.L.D anymore, next time choose better guys, not some  sneaky, butthurt assholes like Alexander Pierce and Brock Rumlow." He raises a brow and grins, feeling much better after letting this out.

"Oh I bet you are interested, and it's for your own best.. it would make you probably a lot more happier and you'd stop having these terrible nightmares."

"How do you kn.." Bucky gets slowly step by step closer to Phil.

"S.H.I.E.L.D is still everywhere, just for your own good. We protect you Mr. Barnes."

"I don't need protection, I protected myself since I've decided to go to the army! And don't get me wrong, but I'm at least 40 years older than you, fellow."

Phil grins. "Yeah you are, even when I have to admit that I'm a bit jealous."

Bucky rolls his eyes and waves this subject with his hands away.

"So why would I come back to S.H.I.E.L.D? I bet there's nothing that'd change my mind.."

"We've found the time gem, you can travel back in time and safe Steve."

Bucky's mouth and eyes flew open. He felt his whole body warming up.

A little grin escaped his mouth. 

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