Authors note

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So guys that was the last chapter and the end of this book that I'm extremely proud because it's first book. I know that the ending was a bit extreme and fast but I have plans for the sequel. I just want to thank you guys for reading it, I mean the reads mean a lot to me begin my first book published and I'm honestly sad about hitting the complete button but it must be done.

I didn't want to leave the story there so I'm going to give you guys a little bonus chapter in some of the characters POV.



I walk down the hall with a smirk playing on my lips. I just banged the hell out of that hostess and let's just say she could go for a while.

"What are you smiling about?" I turn around to find Matthew leaning against a door.

"I just had the time of my life with that hostess from last night. Why are you up so early?"
He runs his hand through his hair, "Breakfast with dad. I get to watch another brawl roll out between him and Lucas."

"What about this time?"
"Lucas's tour," my jaw falls open. "He leaves tonight."
"Where is he now?"

Amber's all mine!

"Not exactly she spent the night with him last night. A goodbye present I would guess."
"Maybe, but that means nothing to me."
He raises his eyebrow, "Yeah well I got to go before I'm late."


 "Lucas, I'm sorry about the whole Beck thing. I understand if you want to cut off ties me, I want to say I'm sorry to you and you, Matthew."
"I don't care about what say. Marcus you crossed the line about not telling about this stupid tour," Lucas fists his hands.

"I completely forgot about that. Your mother and I-"

"I don't care. I had to tell Amber I was leaving and she cried the whole night, do you know how hard it is to listen to that? So if your looking for me to accept your apology your wrong. Your not my manger, your barely even my father. I tried to become a good son so hard, but you kept putting down. I can't forgive you. I don't think I ever will."

I shake my head and grab his arm before he can leave, "Lucas, I beg of you to not do this. I messed up, I know that. And just so you I love you both," I look over at Matthew who sits there with a blank face. "I thought I had to push and make you see your full potential. I'm so sorry."
He shakes his head and mutters the words that kill me, "I don't care."


I hesitate before walking into the diner. I don't have to search the faces to find her because we've been here many times. I walk to the back of the diner where a pinball machine sits and a woman standing in front of it.

I clear my throat and watch as she turns around. The smile is huge on her face is priceless. I run into her arms as she strokes my hair, "I did it baby girl. I'm okay now and I'm coming home. We'll be a big family, you, me, and Steven."

I pull back to look at my mother, "What are you talking about? You still have to go back mom we can't be a family anymore. I'm not even suppose to be here don't make me regret."
"Carly honey, what are you talking? The movies and shows your watching at home are nonsense I told Steven to get rid of that TV in your room. Where is Steven anyway, he said he would be here with you?"
"Mom please stop, your making this harder."
Her face softens and concern laces her features, "What is this about? Should we wait for Steven, you know that Dad and I like having these conversations together."
A tear rolls down my cheek, "It's nothing I just really wanted to see you, just forget about what I said and let's just play some pinball."

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