Chapter 19

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Harry's P.OV

Blaring music into my surroundings to forget everything that happened in the last few hours sounded pretty good a while ago. Now all the music all mushes together like a bad painted picture, All my thoughts swimming around in their hurricane of a storm.

The screaming of the guys coming from my stereo do no justice to the screaming inside my skull. I stare at the wall painting images of my heart bleeding by each pacing minute that Asher's not here.

Turning down my stereo I here faint little knocks at my front door. I tug myself out of bed to answer the door, But when I do no one's there.

"I'm not in the mood for ding dong ditch you little shitheads" I yell into the darkness, Closing the door I go to the kitchen but stop when I hear the knocks again.

I stomp to the door, swinging it open "I said I'm not in the mood for ding do-" I stop when I see the one person I thought I'd never see again. Asher.

She stands there with Grayson in her arms. He's sleeping like the angel he is.

"Come I-In" I stutter in shock. Asher walks in looking around for what I'm guessing is a place for Grayson to sleep.

"Here I'll sit him in my bed" I offer while taking him into my arms protectively.

After I put him in my room I walk back into the living room.

"Uh hi" I say awkwardly. Asher cocks an eyebrow and laughs making me laugh along with her.

"Come on Harry quit being awkward and cuddle with me on the couch, yeah?" She smiles holding her hand out to me.

I grasp her tiny hand in mine, Allowing her to lead the way to the couch. She pushes me down on the couch and crawls into my lap. I sit here wide eyed in shock.

"Harry" She whispers from the base of my neck.


"I loved your CD" She traces the anchor on my wrist.

"Th-Thanks uh we made those awhile back" I say shyly.

"I know I could tell by your not so deep voice" She laughs.

I hold my hand over my heart faking the hurt her words caused. "ouch" I add.

"Oh please, I bet you guys sound amazing now" She beams.

I shrug causing her to shift in my lap to face me. Asher runs her fingers through my hair gazing into my eyes. "Sing to me" She requests.

"What?" I panic, She wants me to sing right in front of her? I could barely give her the CD.

"Please?" She pokes her bottom lip out. Fuck she's good.

"Um O-Okay I guess I could sing something" She smiles widely. "What do you want me to sing?" I ask.

Asher nuzzles into the curve of my neck sighing in contempt. "Do you guys have anything new?" She whispers against my skin, Making me shiver.

"You make us sound like a professional band baby" I laugh.

"You could be you guys sounds great" Asher softly places a peck on my neck.

"And being here without you is like I'm waking up to, Only half a blue sky kind of there, but not quite I'm walking 'round with just one shoe I'm half a heart without you. I'm half a man, At best with half an arrow in my chest 'cause I miss everything we do I'm half a heart without you" I sing softly kissing her forehead afterward. I feel her smiling against my neck.

"That was beautiful Harry, When did you guys write that?" She questions

"It kind of came to me just now" I admit. Asher pokes her head up, She still has that beautiful smile etched across her face.

"You really have a talent Harry" She whispers while gently running her fingers across my jawline.

I blush, No ones ever told me I had a talent. I don't know how I feel about this.

"You have a way with words" She starts "You could make them dance across the page with the sound of your voice" Asher looks into my eyes "Only a true artist can do that"

She leans in to kiss me but stops midway. I look up at her, She smiles and nods, Giving me permission. I lean in the rest of the way. Our lips touch making it feel like the most surreal feeling in the world. Our lips move together slowly, Memorizing each others shape, Molding together so we'd always perfectly fit as one.

Asher pulls back slowly, moving my hair out of my face gently.

As I stare at this beautiful creature above me I'm compelled to say the words I've never said to anyone before.

"I love you Asher"

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