01.Meeting Goes Unusual

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It's been two weeks since my dad left me alone to fight this world. Leaning back in my chair, I looked around my office, which was washed in white, with LHF corner sofa, off white upholstery, pictures of me and my dad framed on the wall facing my desk. I blankly stared at the colourful collage, a wave of memories hitting me as if someone was twisting my gut.

Shaking my head, I glanced towards the clock which said 9:30 am, its high time to work. My life which starts from work and ends on works, as I was holding on a position of CEO of Watson Enterprises.

My phone buzzed, a smile erupted on my face as I answered the call.


"Hello Miss Watson , can I talk to my little sister."

A very familiar voice said gently, a voice that I am very well aware of, since my childhood. "Ella, tell me the reason of your call, I have a meeting, so hurry up ."

"When don't you have your meetings, Darling? Anyways, I was worried about you, Are you okay?" My elder sister asked, her voice was full of concern.

"I'm fine." I said or more like lied instantly...lied to her again. Now whenever a person asks me about my well being, my immediate is answer is, I'm fine.

Reassuring my answer, she asked that again but my answer didn't changed. I knew my sister have always been the one who never buys my lie before reassuring it. I was happy for her that at least she wasn't surviving like me, she was living her life.

Ending the call, I was about to make my way towards the conference room when I was interrupted by a phone call on the landline.

"Yes, Maria." I answered.

"Mam, Mr. Dornan informed me that he'll be late." She replied.

Without replying back, I hang up the call. I hate late people. Waiting for someone was not my cup of tea.

I went back to my work again, occasionally glancing at the photo facing my desk. Sighing, I stood up and moved towards it, remembering those memories.

A grunt of frustration escaped from my mouth when the phone on the desk started ringing again.


"Mam, Mr.Dornan is here." My secretary answered.

"Send him in." I hang up the call while a pen that I was holding slipped out of my hand, stopping right beside the door.

Moving towards it, I bent down to pick it up and next thing I knew I collided into something hard when I stood up. I found myself face-down on the white tiled floor.

What the hell?

I felt someone else had also joined me on the floor. I sat up on the floor, then moved my face furiously to the person who was also now sitting on the floor.

What I saw was a beautiful blue eyes gazing back at me with unsaid emotions. Warm blue eyes, slightly clenched jaw, perfect masculine body, chestnut hair, dressed in a black suite, no tie very formal still sexy, little bit pale face.

With a sharp inhale he said. "I don't mind sitting here but I'd prefer a chair if we're going to continue our meeting." He pointed towards my desk. Snapping out of my trance, I quickly managed to stood up, little embarrassed that I was shamelessly checking him out. My cheeks become slightly red.

Straightening my shirt, I moved towards my desk. The sound of a glass dropping on the floor made me look behind me again.

Carol, my assistant was in the arms of that handsome man's, smiling mischievously at him. I rolled my eyes, very well aware of that goofy smile. Of course, she was flirting with him. That guy was seem exasperated by her he rolled his eyes too and make her stand on her own feet. Liana must have been collided...intentionally collided against him and he caught her when she did.

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